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Nice guys finish last. I just came up with that. Jealous?
Watching Saturday Night Fever and realizing A) how much Boogie Nights owes to it and B) as a kid, the LP was much more than a joke to me.
"Condiment delivery has made vast technological strides in just two decades." From my as yet unwritten treatise on TBD subject.
@courtneyp, who just sent me an invite to Facebook: well-played.
I can use the new Facebook Connect, for instance, to promote the presence of my balls across a worldwide network of social foreheads.
An article on my mom in the local paper says I'm a dedicated environmental and community activist. Someone's gonna lose their job over this.
My favorite part of the morning is my dog watching me get ready; he's just a dumb dog, mystified by my powers of bedmaking and pantswearing.
The trick, in this case, is getting people at the dog park to walk away from me.
I never know what to say to people at the dogpark. Saying nothing, smiling, and nervously scratching my dog's butt usually does the trick.
Usage: "How long will you be in there?" "As long as it takes. I'm undoing the damage of the past eight years." "Matches are in the drawer."
My new go-to catch-all euphemism: "undoing the damage of the past eight years".
@rands Apps indistinguishable from magic, chronologically: Hypercard '89, VCR Plus+ '90, ZTerm '92, and Shazam '08.
@AmyJane It's been harder and harder to live off the Facebook grid. But when the Judgement comes, we'll see who's real.
Posing as my girlfriend on a MobileMe support chat. It's IM, so why am I wearing her blouse? Because it goes well with her earrings. Duh.
There is nothing that is not awesome about disc two of the Criterion edition of 'Bottle Rocket'. Full success. Order yours today.
RT @razorwitted "once sat in a restaurant in Boston, watching Martin Scorsese watch America's Funniest Home Videos on the bar's flat screen"
I'm not claiming to be intelligent or cultured, but I can't be the only reasonable, bipedal person to revere America's Funniest Home Videos.
The only thing more tragic than being hunched over a leftover pie at 5am is not being hunched over a leftover pie at 5am. #oscarwildeday
DMCA Simpsons takedowns will abound tomorrow, incurring the wrath of Apple nerds.
Charmed nearly to death by a lady jogger passerby whose pants seat, reading 'Fuck Off', sagged to bare 3 inches of crack. Be still my heart.


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