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Noun phrase of the day: “ex-con divorced father of child working construction”
You can’t seriously expect me to go anywhere you two are going.
@remarkk + @adamschwabe While I am not a nerd, I inhabit the east end. Please invite me along sometime.
Pownced shitcans self.
@jkottke M.Stewart has a method. Or alligator-clip opposing corners together and fold normally.
The CRTC motherfuckers *did no ask* so much as a *single question*.
Speaking notes (up now) and rush transcript (later):
It's gonna be a while yet.
Live transcript feed for this afternoon (refresh at will): I’m supposed to start sometime after 1500 hours.
New at A List Apart: This Is How the Web Gets Regulated (captioning)
Most risible line of the year: “I am the perfume critic for the ‘New York Times’ ”—Chandler Burr, ‘The Perfect Scent,’ p. xiv
@wendelldotme You haven’t had to deal with her multiple public suicide threats. (Who’s the douchebag?) Of course, it’s all better now.
Roger Black takes the subway? This I gotta see. I imagine a phalanx of Abercromibies surrounding him, as at any of his workplaces.
@mollydotcom Stop threatening suicide to everyone in three countries and nobody will get “called.” BPD FTW. Not.
@shirky Don’t be encouraging Teresa Nielsen Hayden.
Woman: “Well, which artists?” Crone: “Oh, you know better than that.”
Crone in a Starbucks: “A lot of artists aren’t allowed to use Macs.” (woman laughs) “It’s no laughing matter.”
@shawnmicallef “Welcome back America” is an order to other people. “Welcome back, America” is addressed to America. So which is it?