hotdogsladies’s Favorites

indefensible Starting a new business is a lot like having a baby. If babies could bankrupt you in 3 months. And you squeezed them through your genitals.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane Jonas misheard us ridiculing Guy Kawasaki so he's walking around saying, "Always be winking!" and then he gives a quick wink.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane We're going on a trip soon and I'm going to use the time off to think about my personal brand and re-evaluate my Twitter strategy.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane I don't read Guy Kawasaki, because when I want to hear about boring computer shit, I just walk upstairs. But is his Twitter article serious?
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson My son wrote a TV pilot called "Poo-poo on the cat. Let's make a sandwich!" It's better than "Studio 60."
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Amtrak luxury: sharing table with four farting children.
delfie Also, I wish I could end a period with a sentence.
John Dickerson
jdickerson Pro tip: Church is no place for Parcour.
Neil Bruce Lee
neilio Had a dream last night that Yoko Ono was barbequing up a rack of ribs while explaining the benefits of backing up to Amazon S3. Good advice.
johnroderick Sat night alone at the movies. A pretty girl was there, also alone. She sat behind me, and stayed thru the end credits. But her hat was gay.
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson There just aren't enough hours in the day to work, play with my kids, pursue a hobby, volunteer at the food bank, and masturbate 11 times.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane The real reason Daring Fireball doesn't have comments: During the day I'd fill it with to-do lists and at night, drunken heckling.
johnroderick @strutting What happens when "Twitter people" meet in person? I'm guessing some disappointed stammering, then the few women get torn apart.
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich If everyone in my neighborhood started dressing like The Counting Crows, about twenty guys in my neighborhood would get their feelings hurt.
Ben Durbin
bdurbin Considering 'Bathroom Cabinet' as holiday party theme: guests revel and consume the year's leftover ointments, sprays and prescription meds.
'Larry King'
larrykcolumn ...The kids seem to love the Canon 5D, but it's no match for what I use: An intern remembers everything I see, and describes it on demand...
Matt Haughey
mathowie @hotdogsladies Oh, I could improve upon it. "The 5D's hdmi jack doesn't work with my 1080p screen in the new BMW?! The chauffeur is fired!"
Dan Moren
dmoren Got to page 134 in the book I'm reading and discovered that subsequent 30 pages have accidentally reprinted pages 71-102. Well, shit.
johnroderick I update my status every day at 4:30AM. Then I talk to my friends, the airplane pilots, by yelling up the chimney. Thusly, I stay connected.
Señor Pantalones
pantalones @hotdogsladies urinating on a piano for an hour is more in the experimental vein i think. a bit edgy for "new age"


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Dom Sagolla meredith Dunstan Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Eric Case veen rae brune Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Pete Hopkins Grant Shellen Matt Jones Michael Ferguson Greg George Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason lane Glenda heather Robert S Andersen l.m. orchard Colleen Wainwright Meg Hourihan Dan Budiac Andre Torrez Hickensian Yoz Neil Bruce Lee Leonard
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