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@dvrensk happymapper only works with default namespaces currently though it wouldn't be super hard to hack in.
@kastner I usually screenshot design and open in tab beside in progress version. Makes pixel perfect much easier.
@erunyon haha. Already got you a deserving present...coal.
@kastner if you figure out the GR background tab let me know. Bugs me too!
@mattetti ah. Well then maybe I won't. :)
@kastner I'm just adding some more specs to make sure i don't break anything. It will be using extlib's ToHashParser and the JSON gem.
@mattetti currently still using net/http. thinking about abstracting at some point and allowing for either.
Also, as of yesterday, and thanks to @jqr (, you can now do HTTParty.get/post/put/delete. awww yeah!
Also, I just ate some of the best bacon of my life. Bacon inspires programming? Yes, yes it does.
Just did "git co -b noactivesupport" on HTTParty. Nothing against AS, just want to make HTTParty lighter.
@bkeepers I actually enjoy DreamHost as a domain registrar.
@jqr scoped associations looks cool. what a team, you and kris. Which one of you is batman and which is robin? :)
I am now turning all communications off in order to focus. We'll see if that helps.
@damon i do...have poetry fu...cause I rhyme...all the time...
@pauldix I setup another twitter account to do test stuff from (snitch_test) so I don't litter my twitter with tests.
Today you win parking police but I shall live to fight another day!
There is a plant activist in the cafe. He is not happy that they put the plants out in the cold to die. How many plants have to die!!!!
@linksmonkey haha. she has a craft room already so it should stay temporary. :)
@github - Any plans to add email replies to messages? It would save me a ton of time not having to bring up github and find the message.


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