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Oh my god, Dexter is sooooo good.
Back from dinner with Jeana, and apt looking. I think Astoria might be the place I'll call home, at least, if I can find a place here.
The unexpected downside of my newfound pescetarianism: no Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuits at the airport. Boo!
Making pecan pie, thanks to @chronicbabe and her great-grandma's recipe.
Only took the Vatican 42 years to forgive John Lennon. Not bad: Copernicus had to wait 400.
It's a sad sight to see the 501st Stormtrooper Midwest Garrison pack its wares into a cardboard box. Oh, Empire, we hardly knew ye...
Experimenting with being a vegetarian. No good reason other than wanting to try it out. So far, pretty enjoyable.
"Drunken @harper is like regular Harper, only louder." -@andrewwwilson, taking about SXSW 2008
At the Chicago Toy and Game Fair with @me3dia and @andrewwwilson. Andrew just got interviewed by FOX news for Bloxes.
I love how some e-mail unsubscribes send you an e-mail to let you know you're off the list. And by love, I mean hate.
"Creeping, rusty meat. Truly the heart and soul of all death metal."
Back from a day of walking around, and getting to know, Brooklyn. An hour to rest my foots before heading back to Chicago.
Jeana: "Do people have sex over Twitter?" Me: *thinks about 140 char limit, and the availability of* (insert cricket sound)
Re-reading Don Norman's The Design of Everyday Things.
Navigating the NY transit system. Starting to get a hang of it.
Good call, @jjudge. @harper, If you do decide to stop into Iowa City, head on over to the Hamburg Inn and have a pie shake. Pie in a shake!
Walked through the Popeyes drive-thru on foot to buy one biscuit. D-licious.
Just saw a preview of Slumdog Millionaire, thanks to an invite from @chronicbabe and Steve. Twas great.
On the bus, headed down to Grant Park.
A lot the people we've visited in Gary have already voted. Promising.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Harper Sarah Hatter Paul Smith Eric Olson Joe Germuska Daniel X. O'Neil Sam Felder Jeff Judge maura Alex Payne Jason Santa Maria Khoi Vinh Phineas Britt Selvitelle Twitterrific John Resig Sandor Weisz Naz Hamid Andrew Huff Cinnamon Kevin M. Hoffman star rosencrans Alison Headley Barack Obama Thomas Ryan Jim Coudal Brenda Jeff Skinner Kristen Nicole Blagica nilay patel Sarah Weisz Robert Justin Ward