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 ETVoice - January 2008

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Welcome to ETVoice! Our monthly e-mail contains highlights of the latest developments in the ETV Program and directs you to more detailed information on our Web site or through EPA or other contacts. We hope you find this service useful and welcome your comments and suggestions.

Abby Waits
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program

ETV Program Verifies 400 Technologies!

In January, ETV completed it 400th technology verification! To date, ETV has verified the performance of a wide variety of innovative technologies that can be used to monitor, prevent, control, and clean up pollution. See a full list of ETV verified technologies.

Indoor Air Quality Product Verified

The ETV Air Pollution Control Technology Center, operated by RTI International, has verified the performance of an in-duct ultraviolet light system for cleaning air in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The DC24-6-120 duct sterilizer, developed by American Ultraviolet Corporation, was verified for biological inactivation efficiency. Testing was performed using three organisms: two bacteria (Bacillus atrophaeus and Serratia marcescens) and one bacterial virus (MS2). See the verification report and statement.

Call for Technologies, 2008 EPA Science Forum
Environmental Technology Expo

A reminder that EPA has issued a Call for Technologies for innovative, cutting-edge environmental technologies to be showcased at the 2008 EPA Science Forum, “Innovative Technologies—Key to Environmental and Economic Progress,” on May 20–22, at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. The Environmental Technology Expo will feature technologies that highlight EPA science and research, including those that have been verified by or developed in partnership with EPA. The deadline to submit an abstract for consideration is Friday, February 8.

For more information or to submit an abstract via the Science Forum’s online abstract submission system, visit Call for Technologies. If you are planning to submit an abstract, but are unable to meet the deadline, contact Alina Martin, SAIC (under contract to EPA) (703) 318-4678.

Developers or vendors of products that have been verified through the ETV program are highly encouraged to respond to this call for technologies. Participation in this unique opportunity will expose vendors and their technologies to representatives from various EPA offices and programs, other federal agencies, end users, the investment community, the consulting industry, and others.

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ETV Representative to Serve as
Embassy Science Fellow in the Philippines

Julius Enriquez of the ETV program has been accepted as a U.S. Embassy Science Fellow and will be detailed to the U.S. Embassy in Manila, Philippines, for two months, March–April 2008. The Department of State’s Embassy Science Fellows Program offers U.S. embassies the opportunity to host a working scientist to provide expertise, advice, and assistance with science and technology issues for one- to three-month posts. This fellowship will establish collaboration with the Philippines through the Department of Science and Technology in the area of environmental technology testing and verification. Mr. Enriquez will be reviewing the current status of the ETV program in the Philippines and will explore opportunities for a harmonized approach to implementing verification at the international level. In addition to his post in the Philippines, Mr. Enriquez will represent the U.S. ETV program and exhibit at CIEPEC+EPTEE 2008, The 9th China International Environmental Protection Exhibition Exit EPA Disclaimer to be held April 27–29, in Shanghai, China.

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ETV Verification Organization Awarded Funding
for Technology Demonstration and Verification

Southern Research Institute, the verification organization operating the ETV Greenhouse Gas Technology Center in cooperation with EPA, was recently awarded funding by the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) to demonstrate and verify the economic and environmental utility of an advanced waste-to-energy technology at DoD landfills. ESTCP supports demonstration and validation of environmental technologies that address priority DoD environmental requirements. Southern Research has been awarded $965,000 for a three-year project to demonstrate and verify the performance of a unique microturbine technology capable of using ultra low-British thermal unit (BTU) landfill or other waste gases as fuel to provide efficient on-site power production. The proposed project will include site-specific technology design and installation, credible and independent third-party evaluation of the performance and economics of the technology through verification by the ETV program, and outreach efforts to support technology dissemination and transfer. For more information on this project, contact Tim Hansen, Southern Research (919) 282-1052.

ESTCP is seeking innovative environmental technology demonstrations as candidates for fiscal year 2009 funding. In January, ESTCP issued a solicitation requesting technology demonstration and validation pre-proposals, due by March 13, 2008. For more information, including proposal submission requirements, a summary of the proposal evaluation process, and the relevant topic areas, visit ESTCP Exit EPA Disclaimer.

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Vendor Solicitations
ETV centers issue solicitations for vendors and collaborators interested in verification. For more detailed information on these solicitations, visit Vendors Wanted or the appropriate ETV center.

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Upcoming Conference and Meetings
For a list of ETV meetings, conferences, and presentations, see Upcoming Events. Meetings at which ETV is exhibiting and/or participating are:
February 13, 2008
The Texas Environmental Research Consortium will host a workshop in The Woodlands, Texas, to provide information on the New Technology Research and Development (NTRD) Program. Andrew Trenholm, RTI International, will represent the ETV Air Pollution Control Technology Center and present an overview of the ETV verification process and its collaborations with NTRD.

Visit: New Technology Research and Development (NTRD) Program Exit EPA Disclaimer

February 20–22, 2008
A PROMOTE ETV Workshop and Technical Meeting with a Verification Exercise, “Towards a European Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) System,” will be held in Barcelona, Spain. PROMOTE is a Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission. The focus of the workshop and technical meeting is environmental technology verification, in particular, for soil and ground water remediation and monitoring technologies. The workshop will include participation from various stakeholders to help design an approach for the verification system. Fernando Rubio with Abraxis Exit EPA Disclaimer has been invited to present his company’s experiences with the U.S. ETV program. ETV has verified the performance of three technologies developed by Abraxis: an immunoassay test kit for atrazine, an enzymatic test kit, and a rapid toxicity testing system.

Visit: PROMOTE ETV Exit EPA Disclaimer

February 24–27, 2008
The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance (TPSA) will host the 2008 Annual Stewardship Conference: Stewardship Strategies and Tools, in Asheville, North Carolina. TPSA is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, and longevity of pesticide stewardship through proper labeling, judicious application, proper handling of empty containers, and waste minimization. This TPSA conference will serve to facilitate cooperation among parties from around the world who are involved in pesticide stewardship. The ETV ESTE project, Pesticide Drift Reduction Technologies, will present.

Visit: TPSA Exit EPA Disclaimer

April 6–9, 2008
The WERC 2008 Environmental Design Contest will be held at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. WERC (originally the Waste-management, Education, and Research Consortium) is a consortium for environmental education and technology development. The design contest brings together industry, government, and academia in the search for improved environmental solutions. Student teams, composed of college students from the United States and around the world, design solutions for real-world problems while developing fully operational bench-scale solutions that are presented to panels of judges comprised of environmental professionals. Teresa Harten, Director of ETV, will serve as a judge for the design contest.

Visit: New Mexico State University Design Contest Exit EPA Disclaimer

April 27–29, 2008
CIEPEC+EPTEE 2008, The 9th China International Environmental Protection Exhibition will be held in Shanghai, China. This cooperative event is the largest environmental technology exhibition in Asia and will include over 1,200 exhibits and attract more than 200,000 visitors. Julius Enriquez, EPA, will represent the ETV program and will exhibit in the U.S. pavilion at this event.

Visit: CIEPEC+EPTEE 2008, The 9th China International Environmental Protection Exhibition Exit EPA Disclaimer

May 19–20, 2008
The Annual ETV Team Meeting will be held preceding the EPA Science Forum at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC.

Contact: Abby Waits, EPA (513) 569-7884

May 20–22, 2008
The EPA Science Forum 2008, “Innovative Technologies—Key to Environmental and Economic Progress,” will be held at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. The forum will emphasize technology and its application to a healthy and prosperous environment. It will include an Environmental Technology Expo, interactive sessions, panel discussions, exhibits, and displays. Three themes will guide the session tracks: technology; energy, climate, and the environment; and water system infrastructure and security.  The ETV program will be highlighted at the forum through presentations in each of the session tracks.

Visit: EPA Science Forum

June 24–27, 2008
The Air and Waste Management Association (A&WMA) 2008 Annual Conference and Exhibition will be held in Portland, Oregon. The theme of the 2008 conference is “Integrating Science and Sustainability.” Andrew Trenholm, RTI International, will represent the ETV Air Pollution Control Technology Center and will present “The Evolution of Improved Baghouse Filter Media as Observed in the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program.” The ETV program will exhibit with EPA’s National Risk Management Research Laboratory.

Visit: A&WMA’s 101st Annual Conference and Exhibition Exit EPA Disclaimer

June 29–July 2, 2008
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) 2008 Annual International Meeting will be held in Providence, Rhode Island. This meeting will highlight advancements in agricultural and biological engineering around the world. A representative from the ETV ESTE project, Pesticide Drift Reduction Technologies, plans to present “Validation Testing of Drift Reduction Technology Testing Protocol.”

Visit: ASABE 2008 Annual International Meeting Exit EPA Disclaimer

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