Below is some information to help you enjoy the Wise Guide website and to be able to find more information within the Library.
The Wise Guide is best viewed with IE 5 or higher on a PC or Netscape 4.5 or higher on a Mac.
Some portions of this site use the Adobe Flash plug-in for animation and interactivity. If you do not have the Flash player installed, all critical content on the site will still work. Flash players are available for free from Adobe, and can be installed to enable the enhanced content.
If you're using IE on a Mac, the Flash movies will not be automatically displayed because the Flash player cannot detect Internet Explorer on Macintosh computers. To see the Flash movies on a Mac, you may want to use another browser (for example; Netscape 4.5 or higher.).
If you would like to install Flash, or get more information about the Flash players, you can visit the download page at