John Gruber’s Favorites

Scott Simpson
scottsimpson In the coming Twitter Gang Wars, I'll side with the Poop Jokers. We'll dress like the Baseball Furies, except without pants.
chockenberry @rands Groups are a hard problem: anyone who claims otherwise is showing that they haven't thought it through.
chockenberry @gruber why do you hate me now you link to hotdogs but you ignore me i miss my key to please free me
Jason Snell
jsnell Twitter theory: The higher your % of posts that contain a hyperlink, the less I am interested in following you. I follow people, not links.
Steven Johnson
stevenbjohnson Pt 2. The 5-yr-old, apropos of nothing: "I don't dream anymore at night. I just make plans."
superfantastic Damn. If only I had a business to relentlessly promote to the none of you who would continue to follow me if I did that.
CcSteff I thought twitter was intended for quoting your boyfriend and bragging about your xmas tree.
Ben Tesch
magnetbox On the up side, I got CS4 for the price of CS3. On the down side, I got CS4.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane "Dean Martin never had to give anyone a goddamn roofie! That's just a stiff drink!"
Daniel Jalkut
danielpunkass Pretty sure I have never tagged my tweets with some hash-symbol-laden squishword. It's a dubious point of pride, like having no tattooos.
Simone Manganelli
simX For future reference, to identify a note in mail, use the following syntax: all headers contains ""
hotdogsladies Cleaning lady didn't know I was home, and I didn't know anyone was in the bathroom, so, yadda yadda, now I can say "Larry David" in Spanish.
feltron high probability that the word "feltron" will appear for the first time ever in tomorrow's wall street journal.
hodgman Notice how I haven't even processed a single artifact from my desk yet? I still haven't even paid that Brattleboro parking ticket.
John Moltz
Moltz Hank, calling on the intercom from downstairs: How do you say "doctor" in Japanese? Me: Isha. H: OK, bye. Me: OK. Love you! H: Bye.
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson Every motivational poster ends with the invisible tagline, "Now shut the fuck up and go back to your cubicle."
John Moltz
Moltz CNet Headline: "After a layoff, the coping begins." Very true. You know what else begins? Liquor and hating cheesy copy editors with jobs.
hotdogsladies I ♥ Christmas! So, I've launched a new blog for my Amazon Store. Happy Holidays, everybody!
Andy Ihnatko
Ihnatko @zengiraffe - Ebert always was, and always will be, one of my most favorite writers. He wastes no words and relies on no tricks. Brilliant.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Rough IQ estimation: start with 120 and subtract 20 for every time you press the elevator button after its already lit.


Evan Williams Dunstan Rael Dornfest Eric Case Buzz Andersen Manton Reece Justin Williams Nick Douglas Mr Messina Scott Beale President Monteiro Jonathan Wight Dave Winer Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Robert S Andersen Dan Benjamin David Young Jason Hoffman Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski MJ Andre Torrez Ryan Schwartz Veerle Pieters Mark Bixby Paul Mison Andy Baio Ryan Irelan Faruk Ates Grant Hutchinson Greg Storey rands James Craig Cameron Moll Nathan Harrison
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