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Proof of Registration & Change of Address

A registration acknowledgment card will arrive in the mail about 30 to 90 days after a man sends in his registration card. Keep this document in a safe place as proof of registration.

If you have registered using the on-line registration web site at, an acknowledgment card will be sent to you within two weeks.

If you do not receive an acknowledgment card within 90 days of registering, or if you require a replacement acknowledgment card, please call Selective Service at 1-847-688-6888. Your call will be answered by an automated voice processing system. Listen carefully to the directions, and select the option for receiving your own Selective Service number.

If you move, let us know!
After he registers, a man is required to notify Selective Service within ten days of any changes to any of the information he provided on his registration card, like a change of address. He must report changes until January 1 of the year he turns 26. He may do this by using the on-line "change of address" page on this Web Site (Click Here), or by completing a change of address form (SSS Form 2) at the post office, or by calling 1-847-688-6888.

Last Updated April 30, 2002
©2007 Selective Service System