Water Resources Data for Louisiana, Water Year 2003

By Todd Baumann, B.B. Goree, W.M. Lovelace, P.A. Montgomery, J.C. Resweber, Garron B. Ross, D.C. Sasser, Jr., and David J. Walters


Water-Data Report LA-03-01 ( 970 pages,  20 figures)


Water Resources of Louisiana

Report Availability


Water resources data for the 2003 water year for Louisiana consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality of ground water. This report contains records for water discharge at 76 gaging stations; stage only for 86 gaging stations and 7 lakes; water quality for 56 surface-water stations (including 44 gaging stations) and 142 wells; and water levels for 313 observation wells. Also included are data for 158 crest-stage and flood-profile partial-record stations. Additional water data were collected at various sites not included in the systematic data-collection program, and are published as miscellaneous measurements. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating  Federal and State agencies in Louisiana.


This volume of the annual hydrologic data report of Louisiana is one of a series of annual reports that document hydrologic data gathered from the U.S. Geological Survey’s surface- and ground-water data-collection networks in each State, Puerto Rico, and the Trust Territories. These records of streamflow, ground-water levels, and quality of water provide the hydrologic information needed by Federal, State, and local agencies, and the private sector for developing and managing our Nation’s land and water resources.

This report is the culmination of a concerted effort by dedicated personnel of the U.S. Geological Survey who collected, compiled, analyzed, verified, and organized the data, and who typed, edited, and assembled the report. In addition to the authors, who had primary responsibility for assuring that the information contained herein is accurate, complete, and adheres to Geological Survey policy and established guidelines, most of the data were collected, computed, and processed by area field offices.

The following individuals supervised the collection, processing, and tabulation of the data:  George J. Arcement, Jr., Dennis K. Demcheck, Paul A. Ensminger, Cheryl R. Joseph, Benton D. McGee, Garron B. Ross, and David J. Walters.

The following individuals contributed to the collection, processing, and preparation of the data:  Arthur R. Adams, Mary L. Anderson, Todd Baumann, Van G. Bergeron, Jeffery A. Brantly, Sebastian R. Brazelton, Tonya D. Davis, Michael Descant, Troy A. Devillier, James R. Fountain, C. Paul  Frederick, Frank R. Glass, Burl B. Goree, J. Josh Gilbert, Kevin Grimsley, Brian Hilton, Darrelyn C. Hutson, Marlon Johnson, Calvin L. Jones, J. Scott Jones, Wendell M. Lovelace, Tammy B. McKaskle, Erroll P. Meche, Pamela A. Montgomery, Scott M. Perrien, J. Christine Resweber, David C. Sasser, Jr., Ronald C. Seanor, Cindy G. Sibley, Lane B. Simmons, William B. Snee, Jr., Glen T. Stevens, Stanley C. Skrobialowski, Dan J. Tomaszewski, J. Craig Waters, and Aub N. Ward.

This report was prepared in cooperation with the State of Louisiana and with other agencies under the general supervision of Charles R. Demas, District Chief, Louisiana.

Table of Contents

Report documentation page
List of surface-water stations, in downstream order, by which records are published
List of ground-water stations for which records are published
List of discontinued surface-water discharge stations
List of discontinued surface-water-quality stations
Summary of hydrologic conditions
        Surface-water conditions
        Surface-water quality
        Ground-water levels
        Ground-water quality
Downstream order and station number
Numbering system for wells and miscellaneous sites
Special networks and programs
Explanation of stage- and water-discharge records
        Data collection and computation
        Data presentation
            Station manuscript
            Peak discharge greater than base discharge
            Data table of daily mean values
            Statistics of monthly mean data
            Summary statistics
        Identifying estimated daily discharge
        Accuracy of field data and computed results
        Other data records available
Explanation of water-quality records
        Collection and examination of data
        Water analysis
Surface-water-quality records
        Classification of records
        Accuracy of the records
        Arrangement of records
        On-site measurements and sample collection
        Water temperature
        Laboratory measurements
        Data presentation
        Remark codes
        Water-quality control data
        Blank samples
        Reference samples
        Replicate samples
        Spike samples
Explanation of ground-water-level records
        Site identification numbers
        Data collection and computation
        Data presentation
            Water-level tables
Ground-water-quality data
        Data collection and computation
        Data presentation
        Laboratory measurements
Access to USGS water data
Definition of terms
Publications on Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations
Surface-water records
Peak-discharge and stage at continuous-record discharge stations
Ground-water records

Report Availability:

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