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@erikjheels is one sick, sick man. And I love him for it.
RT @cjoh: Cannot believe Joe Rospars had anything to do with sending an email out about winter hats.
Guess which e-mail I won't be reading?If you guessed "the one w/'entitlement thought leadership webinar' in the subject line", you win!
By IM: "Wife: My iPhone is on the fritz. Me: On the fritz how? Wife: Can I tell you later?" Ummm... uh oh.
Coyote sighting at the boys' elementary school. I'm sure there's a merit badge in this for both boys somehow...
Trying to buy an Amazon special... went to buy item, see lower price. Go to pay, higher price. Call support: lots of customers seeing this.
@erikjheels Yeah, she got me good. Well played. :)
Just got rickrolled by @erikjheels' daughter. Wow, didn't see that coming.
@jbminn Yes - brother's OK. Thanks. Was on plane first thing yesterday in the am and is back in the States.
God, my brother checked out *yesterday* from one of the hotels attacked in Mumbai. Scary.
Turkey is brining, finalizing menu and getting started on the make-ahead dishes. I love Thanksgiving.
And the "has Rick shaved today?" jokes from @dhlawrencexvii start in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... (See also
@wilw That rocks! Welcome to Twitter, @dhlawrencexvii!
How I love the net, Chapter 72:Babysitter stopped TiVo recording 24. But it's on Hulu! In other news, going to have words w/ the sitter. :)
@seanhackbarth I believe it's "frak". Four letter word and all that.
Seen on the comments to Monty Python channel at YouTube: "When will we see a movie based on Spamalot?" Ummm.....
Fascinating account of a 23 y/o candidate for state legislature in Maine: "How Facebook Helped Me Get Elected"
I understand all the words, but I sure don't understand what they mean:
@croncast @resalequeen I had no idea that Goodwill could be so lucrative: :)


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