Rick Klau’s Favorites

Tim Tagaris
ttagaris When I took Catalist tour, there was no info abt email responses & online participation. That's a whole new world. Get out the scalpel.
dick costolo
dickc I think that should just show the Fail Whale from now through the next inauguration
Brittany Bohnet
brit Is it weird that I mix up to five cereals in my bowl each day? I like to think of it as a cereal parfait, not just a bowl of cereal.
dick costolo
dickc Powerpoint should auto-shutdown at midnight and launch the dialog box "Seriously. Ok/Cancel".
John Dickerson
jdickerson Since CNN has a Cuba bureau and Castro predicted the Obama/Clinton ticket, he's now a member of the Best Political Team in Television.
Patrick Ruffini
PatrickRuffini If Obama wins Lake by the same % he's winning Marion, he'll net about 40k votes erasing Clinton's lead
longorshort Nevermind, now it makes sense, Govt is giving Magic Pennies to all pseudo-private/public mortgage firms. MAGIC PENNIES.
Scott Simpson
scottsimpson After a decade in the spotlight (MySpace, manga, text messaging), I'm counting on the Kindle to make reading uncool again.
john bracken
jsb CNN's jack cafferty makes wolf blitzer look like Edward R. Murrow. He can't read a Galllup poll- Obama seen "by some as snob." Poll: some=1%
dick costolo
dickc friend: "what does FTW mean?" me: "it's a geekcronym" friend: "tell me you didn't just say geekronym. god i hate you people"
longorshort Don't eff with the Goog. Ever.
Chris Wetherell
cw Just received replacement iPhone no. 4. (!) My next iPhone will be a Blackberry.
dick costolo
dickc I had three good ideas last week. That is three more than i had in january-february and four more than i had in december.
Michael O'CC
michaelocc "65% of kids in elementary school today will work in jobs that do not presently exist"
Fred Wilson
fredwilson Its interesting that all this financial news is coming out on sunday night. The asian markets matter more now
Ana Marie Cox
anamariecox LOLpundit: I can has election be over? Somebody stole mah closure! And, serisly, DO NOT WANT!
Michael Turk
MichaelTurk Funny. Newseum is opening April 11. A news museum opening on 411. Clever guys...
Michael Arrington
TechCrunch regarding TED attacks - I defame anything cool that ignores me, until it stops doing so. it's worked so far.
Chris Thilk
CThilk wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki wiki


Chris Wetherell Jason Shellen Ross Brian Oberkirch John Zeratsky Mike Carvalho Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Brittany Bohnet Nancy Scola Josh Hallett Zack Rosen nicco mele John Federico Eric Olson Michael O'CC Joshua Levy greg cohn cody simms Bradley Horowitz Andrea Weckerle Anil Dash Marie Carnes Lars Plougmann donl Matt McAlister Mark Chernesky Darth Vader Mathew Gross Chad Dickerson Jeff Burkett raanan David Raynes Justin Wise Amit Agarwal Denise Howell
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