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walking to a client meeting through a wet chilly and busy London that is also oddly beautiful and charming
speaking to shop owner who says it will take another week to update the system with the new VAT rate
brought half a kilogram of strong Danish liquorice to work; have some if you are visiting Headshift this week
amused by befuddled passport officer expressing his surprise that a family of three have three nationalities
enchanted by the delightful smells of Signe's roast duck
wondering how many gunmen in Mumbai; how many people bent on causing havoc does it take to disrupt an entire city with this MO?
because of something I said, Robin @cybersoc may have travel to Isle of Eigg in the middle of winter (I want to go too)
following @Vinu for updates from Mumbai, discovered his photos in a flickr search last night
wondering why so many websites want to bid me 'welcome'... just give me the information I want, now
annoyed that two OS updates later the iPhone still won't install updated apps
agreeing with @sacca observing that for Americans abroad, "An Obama sticker is the new Canadian flag."
at an embassy listening to the cultural attaché who is suffering from a bad cold
was trying to explain distributed web presence and came up with user experience mosaic
checking pre-order deals for the Canon 5D2: it's a jungle of marketing at its worst
both Lucas and the Gaggia has been in overdrive this morning, Sunday is GO
@leebryant I hope future commutes won't all end in wails
listening to the Egyptian ambassador remind us about 1956
learned that US$ denominated Starbucks cards can be used in UK shops @1.49 exchange rate
almost got run over by drunk guy on a very fast motorised wheelchair
suspects today's Dilbert stripe was inspired by the forest of laptops in typical Headshift meetings


Evan Williams Chris Sacca David Smith Colin Schlüter Ross Vinu Tim Bonnemann anu Alexander Kjerulf Stowe Boyd Jevon Eric Sinclair Rik Abel Tom Armitage Euan Semple Matt Webb irina slutsky Joe Little Alek Lotoczko Bru neil roberts Hugh MacLeod Mr Anderson Lloyd Davis Suw imran aziz Juan Bau christoph Thomas Hawk jonaz d woolverton John Edwards Cybersoc Joi Ito Salvo Bianco David Gurteen