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Proceedings of the 10th Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference

October 14 - 17, 2001

Cover/Title Page | Agenda

Table of Contents

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1. Regional Libraries’ Supersede Decisions, 1989-1991

    Carolyn Kohler, University of Iowa
      Consolidates Regional depository libraries’ retention decisions for titles in the Superseded List.
      HTML   |  MS Word (106 p., 440 KB)  |  PDF (228 KB)

2. Virtual Reference: University of Florida RefExpress

3. Government Information and the Library Catalog: More Access to More Information from the Web

    Jim Veatch, Library HQ SiteSource
      Reviews electronic government information in 4 areas that are generally not cataloged by GPO or libraries: Websites, quasi and independent government agency information, legacy documents, and missing (fugitive) documents.
      PowerPoint (37 slides with notes, 6.56 MB)  |  Text-only version of PowerPoint

    4. How Acquiring GPO’s URL Records through a Vendor Can Help You Manage This Growing Area of Government Information

      Jim Noel, MARCIVE, Inc.
        Discusses ways in which a vendor can customize a library’s selection of electronic cataloging records and perform other services.
        HTML   |  MS Word (2 p., 30 KB)  |  PDF (12.3KB)

    5. U.S. Geological Survey Resources on the Web

    6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Resources on the Web

    7. Documents Data Miner 2 (DDM2): An Enhanced Utility

      Nan Myers, Wichita State University
        Summarizes the development of the Documents Data Miner for technical processing in documents departments and describes current and future enhancements.
        HTML  |   MS Word (8 p., 66 KB)   |   PDF (27.8 KB)

    8. Standardization of Geographic Names

      Roger L. Payne, U.S. Board on Geographic Names

    9. Where To Go for USDA Forest Service Products

    10. Depository Promotion: You Can Do It!

      Earl Shumaker, Northern Illinois University
        Outlines methods to promote documents.
        PowerPoint (14 slides, 748 KB)

    11. Activities To Consider in Order To Promote Your Depository and Your Depository Web Sites!

      Robert Gaines, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
        Presents methods to advertise government documents and depository services, with specific examples that have worked.
        HTML   |   MS Word (5 p., 42 KB)  |   PDF (22 KB)

    12. Introduction to Cooperative Cataloging Panel Discussion

      Thomas A. Downing, Chief, Cataloging Branch, LPS, Moderator
        Provides background on GPO’s cooperative cataloging efforts and introduces 2 speakers from Library of Congress.
        HTML   |   MS Word (1 p., 21 KB)  |   PDF (5.72 KB)

    13. The CONSER Model and Its Application to a GPO-led Cooperative Program

      Jean Hirons, Library of Congress
        Summarizes elements that have made CONSER a successful cooperative program and examines questions that need to be answered before beginning a new cooperative cataloging program.
        PowerPoint (18 slides, 59 KB)  |  Text-only version of PowerPoint

    14. Web Documents Digital Archive Pilot Project (OCLC): Arizona

      Janet Fisher, Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records
        Describes the Arizona State Library’s efforts to preserve digital information in cooperation with the OCLC Web Preservation Project. Discusses criteria for selecting documents, metatags to facilitate automated caching, and retrieval.
        HTML   |   MS Word (4 p., 35 KB)  |   PDF (13.8 KB)

    15. Enhancing Access to State Government Information at the Connecticut State Library

      Julie Schwartz, Connecticut State Library
        Summarizes Connecticut State Library’s efforts to identify, preserve, and retrieve government documents in electronic format. Describes the library’s participation in the OCLC CORC (Cooperative Online Resource Catalog) and Digital Archive projects.
        PowerPoint (29 slides with notes, 3.66 MB)  |  Text-only version of PowerPoint

    16. Web Documents Digital Archive Pilot Project at GPO

    17. Item Selection Rates, Electronic Formats, and Collection Development Policies in the More Electronic Federal Depository Library Program

      Walter Zoller, Library Programs Service
        Explains GPO policy on depository library item selection rates and discusses the importance of collection development policies for electronic materials.
        HTML   |   MS Word (3 p., 32.5 KB)  |   PDF (15.3 KB)

    18. Applying for IMLS Grants

      Michele Farrell, Institute of Museum and Library Services

    19. Library Grant Programs in Pennsylvania

      John Geschwindt, State Library of Pennsylvania
        Describes 3 types of state funding available to libraries in Pennsylvania and gives examples of some of the projects undertaken.
        HTML   |   MS Word (2 p., 27 KB)  |   PDF (10.9 KB)

    20. Teaching E-Competencies: A University Perspective

      Robert B. Allen, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland
        Summarizes University of Maryland’s program in Human Computer Interaction.
        HTML   |   MS Word (1 page, 20 KB)  |   PDF (5.22 KB)

    21. E-Competencies: GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

      Sherry DeDecker, Coordinator, GODORT Federal Documents Task Force
        Eric Forte, Chair, GODORT GITCO
        John Hernandez, GODORT GITCO
        Cindi Wolff, School of Library & Information Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
          Lists basic, intermediate, and advanced skills for depository librarians in an electronic environment.
          HTML   |   MS Word (3 p., 38 KB)  |   PDF (17.8 KB)

    22. Education Resources from the Federal Government for Teachers and Students

      Suzanne Sears, Tulsa City-County Library System

    23. Professional Resources for Teachers & Administrators from the Federal Government

      Adriana Edwards-Johnson, University of Central Oklahoma
        Lists Web sites relating to education. Topics include professional development, grants, and current issues such as homeschooling and school violence.
        PowerPoint (18 slides, 1.33 MB)  |  Text-only version of PowerPoint

    24. Important Legal Resources (Yes, Even in Your Non-Law Library)

    25. Important Legal Resources (Yes, Even in Your Non-Law Library)

      Barbara Selby, Arthur J. Morris Law Library, University of Virginia

    26. Organizing or Rejuvenating Local Documents Interest Groups

      Karen Russ, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
        Outlines history and activities of the Mid Arkansas Documents Consortium (MADOC).
        HTML   |   MS Word (3 p., 32 KB)  |   PDF (20.2 KB)

    27. Educational Resources Information Center Update

      Sheila M. McGarr, National Library of Education
        Explores ERIC’s history and mission, and describes its services and programs, including Web sites.
        HTML   |   MS Word (9 p., 91.5 KB)  |   PDF (41.2 KB)

    28. Energy Citations Database: Department of Energy Legacy Information on the Web

      Dr. Walter L. Warnick, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information
        Reviews cooperative arrangements with other Federal agencies to provide government information to the public and describes information available in Energy Citations Database.

        HTML   |   MS Word (4 p., 32.5 KB)   |   PDF (14.1 KB)   |   PowerPoint (13 slides, 956 KB)

    29. Disaster Plans: Hope for the Best, But Plan for the Worst

      Stephen Henson, Southern Company Services, Inc.

    30. Effective Disaster Plans: Response, Mitigation, and Continuity

      Mary Finley, California State University, Northridge
        Describes aftermath of an earthquake, emphasizing need for advance planning to minimize a disaster’s effects on a library. Includes mitigation, continuity planning, financial aspects, and special considerations for government documents.
        HTML   |   MS Word (11 p., 77 KB)  |   PDF (34.4 KB)

    31. Welcome to STAT-USA

    32. Bureau of Labor Statistics Website: A Complete Redesign

      Vanessa Newton, Bureau of Labor Statistics

    33. FirstGov.gov: Past, Present, Future

      Patricia Wood, Office of FirstGov
        Reviews history of FirstGov as a portal to government and its development as a catalyst of e-government.
        HTML   |   MS Word (6 p., 54.5 KB)  |   PDF (21.4 KB)

    34. National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Update & New Initiatives

      Walter Finch, National Technical Information Service

    35. The Inspection Process: It’s Not That Bad, Really!

      Robin Haun-Mohamed, Library Programs Service

    36. Self-Study Evaluations: Some Helpful Hints

      Walter Zoller, Library Programs Service

    37. Science Reference on the Web

      Kay Collins, University of California, Irvine
        Discusses techniques librarians can use to help differing levels of users find scientific and technical information on the Web, using 7 sample reference questions. Discusses search engines, directories, and individual government Web sites.
        HTML   |   MS Word (10 p., 74.5 KB)  |   PDF (472 KB)

    38. Finding U.S. Government Technical and Scientific Information on the Web: Hints for the Non-Technical Librarian

      Lynne Reasoner, University of California, Riverside
        Discusses reference sources and techniques for locating government technical reports, including Web pages designed for science study and classroom use. Includes specific examples and problems.
        HTML   |   MS Word (5 p., 45.5 KB)  |   PDF (18.8 KB)

    39. Census 2000 Data Products

      John Kavaliunas, U.S. Bureau of the Census
        Provides detailed information on information products from Census 2000 in all formats, including types of files, geographic levels, population groups, etc.
        PowerPoint (78 slides with notes, 3.7 MB)  |  Text-only version of PowerPoint

    40. Maps for Census 2000: Directions We Can Take

      Barbara Levergood, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
        Explores issues of accessibility and usability of Census 2000 maps, including specific problems and examples, options, and Web sites.
        HTML   |   MS Word (12 p., 74 KB)  |   PDF (32.4 KB)

    41 Roles for Libraries Big and Small in the Digital Preservation of Government Information

      Elizabeth Cowell, University of California, San Diego
        Discusses roles of depository libraries and GPO in the permanent preservation of Government information in digital format. Suggests options and methodologies.
        HTML   |   MS Word (7 p., 54 KB)  |   PDF (24.5 KB)

    42. LOCKSS Project: An Overview and Consideration of Its Applicability to Government Information

      Chuck Eckman, Stanford University
        Discusses problems with electronic publications (preservation, maintaining content integrity, etc.) and proposes solution through global online library.
        PowerPoint (26 slides with notes, 122 KB)  |  Text-only version of PowerPoint

    43. Counting California: A Citizen’s Gateway to Public Data

      Patricia Cruse, California Digital Library, University of California

    Cover/Title Page | Agenda

    A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
    Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
    Last updated:  April 19, 2002
    Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/01prot.html
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