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@dweekly Not to mention electronic whiteboards by the urinals.
From my post: "This is a master stroke that shows [Obama's] trademark combination of competence, elevation, and cold-blooded ruthlessness."
Obama appoints Japanese-American Eric Shinseki as Sec Veterans Affairs on Pearl Harbor day. Another master stroke:
@bencasnocha What mad hops? I didn't see you dunking on me when we played 1:1.
RT @dahowlett "I gave up comparing genitals in the school yard" - Wm Holden
Why White Men (and Asians) Don't Jump: It's Genetics: The gene for speed/power is way more prevalent in Africans.
@jowyang I find DMs useful; I have them sent to the phone. Normal Tweets I read on the computer.
@JunLoayza I'm not afraid of failure in general, but I believe the odds are against me in my quest to live forever.
@tvleavitt My deepest condolences.
@HollyJahangiri I believe that sperm quality was defined as quantity and motility. They have a hard time measuring the IQ of a spermatazoa.
@bryce We should catch up when you get a chance. Let me know when you're in the Bay Area. I'm generally available.
@amcafee Not only has 2.0 been very, very good to you, but you...look...mahvelous!
@bryce I've been exhorting portfolio companies to think of themselves as cockroaches and rats for a while. Viva vermin!
@marshallk Best tip for balancing family and work--put the two in separate buckets. When it's time for work, work, and vice versa.
@jowyang Are you in Foster City or in San Mateo? If San Mateo, come on up to the 8th floor for a visit.
@bencasnocha My goal in life is to not die. But I fear that I am doomed to failure.
@fredwilson Rather than bankruptcy, archive all but the past few days. That way you preserve the illusion you can bail yourself out later.
@danielbru Congratulations on the MacWorld badge! Steve Jobs should have gotten with it long ago.
@doverbey Thanks Derek! Glad you like AskTheHarvardMBA. I've got a growing backlog of questions...guess I should start charging money!
New study shows that intelligent men are healthier and have higher quality sperm. What about bloggers and tweeters?


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