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Division of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Erie County Division of Equal Employment Opportunity

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The Division of Equal Employment Opportunity was established by the County of Erie in 1974 to assure that all persons are afforded equal opportunities in all matters of employment.

The Division of EEO is involved in various activities. It monitors personnel changes and procedures, files annual reports with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sponsors an annual job fair, insures Affirmative Action compliance in all County contracts, assists Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprises in the certification procedures and process complaint of discrimination and sexual harassment and conducts EEO/AA training for Erie County Personnel.


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Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
How They Differ

Equal Opportunity is the fundamental belief that all persons should be free to pursue the work of their choice, and advance in that work based solely on their qualifications and performance. It is the fair and unbiased chance to compete on equal ground for jobs and contracts, and to be treated equally in regards to benefits, terms and conditions.

Through Affirmative Action, positive steps are taken to promote equal opportunity by remedying the effects of past discrimination, and removing artificial barriers to equal opportunity.