Increasing Collections at Customs and Border Protection

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) collections of trade-related duties and fees could be enhanced. Actions by Congress and by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have begun to generate additional revenue for the United States, and additional attention to customs operations at CBP could further increase collections.

Congress's termination of the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Agreement led to several hundred million dollars of antidumping duties being retained this year by the U.S. Treasury rather than being distributed among private firms. In addition, GAO reports on customs revenue functions, in-bond programs, and intellectual property enforcement have suggested ways in which CBP can strengthen these functions and highlighted issues that may enhance collections in the future. Such steps could help reduce the $613 million shortfall in collecting antidumping and countervailing duties during fiscal years 2001-2007. Furthermore, in response to a GAO recommendation, DHS is taking actions to identify areas of high risk related to customs revenue functions and initiating performance audits to explore and mitigate those risks. CBP is also taking steps to improve its ability to reconcile in-bond documents issued at the arrival port with documents at the destination port to ensure that the cargo is either officially entered with appropriate duties or that quotas apply.

^ Back to topKey Reports

Antidumping and Countervailing Duties: Congress and Agencies Should Take Additional Steps to Reduce Substantial Shortfalls in Duty Collection
GAO-08-391, March 26, 2008
Intellectual Property: Better Data Analysis and Integration Could Help U.S. Customs and Border Protection Improve Border Enforcement Efforts
GAO-07-735, April 26, 2007
International Trade: Persistent Weaknesses in the In-Bond Cargo System Impede Customs and Border Protection's Ability to Address Revenue, Trade, and Security Concerns
GAO-07-561, April 17, 2007
Customs Revenue: Customs and Border Protection Needs to Improve Workforce Planning and Accountability
GAO-07-529, April 12, 2007
International Trade: Issues and Effects of Implementing the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act
GAO-05-979, September 26, 2005
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Loren Yager

Director, International Affairs and Trade

(202) 512-4347