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Going to the dentist today at 3:30pm. I am not excited about this, but maybe we can figure out why my head constantly hurts. That'd be swell
I'd take a sub-par product with outstanding customer service over an outstanding product with sub-par customer services any day of the week!
@ronocdh I can't stop laughing at this newspaper article. That is hilarious.
Boss lady bringing me free food and starbucks all day = AWESOME <3
@tallwebgirl Does sleeping all day trump those plans? I THINK SO!
@MCHammer I really wish I had this outlook when I woke up. I can only think about going back to bed and getting my hands on some coffee :(
@niteflyx l2hack, my friend! How goes the programming? And did you see that LOLCAT I sent you? I was cracking up.
Still having issues with Verizon FIOS billing. How gee dee hard can this be? It's not, that simple. ITS NOT KTHX! INCOMING MIGRAINEEEEEEEEEE
@niteflyx Are you sure? My verizon router password is at the bottom of the unit, and the guy said that if I changed it, I couldn't call them
I just bought -- you best balee dat!
Debating on tackling the stores on Black Friday. Can I afford a new TV? Do I want to wake up at 3am? THIS AND MORE ON THE NEXT UPDATE!!!
@ErinNorton If Chrome had plugins, the same ones that my dear Firefox has, I would definitely leap over!
@ErinNorton It took a while for me to get into Chrome, and I use it now sometimes, but I miss my Firefox plugins too much to commit!
@niteflyx I think you should add me to your program as a special guest appearance.
@goobimama posting enough tweets are we? sheeeesh
@tallwebgirl I heard about that Gmail security flaw. Doesn't it involve surfing websites that you probably shouldn't be surfing? Same one?
@niteflyx Freebies from the job! Can't beat that! :-D
@MCHammer Ain't that the truth...
Glad to finally be able to eat my lunch at 3pm. Anyone interested in Higher Ed email marketing should check out


John Edwards Darth Vader Kevin Rose Will Muto Leonard Nelson Scott Ackerman Stephen Colbert Steve Nathanson Leo Laporte Hammer Conor Erin Norton Jervis Thompson timurian uranium194 niteflyx oneorbit johnny_voidface kristen_ward Renee Cree Chad THE_REAL_SHAQ MB Kurilko 3lbs