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February 01, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards

Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the Celebration of Black History Month

WASHINGTON, DC  – Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD)  released the following remarks to commemorate Black History Month:

“As Americans from all across our country come together to commemorate Black History Month today, we should all remain aware of the fact that our nation’s diversity serves as the foundation of our greatest strengths and the inspiration behind our greatest accomplishments.

“Together, we are creating a nation of people bonded not by race, religion, sect or creed, but rather by common goals, shared beliefs and collective achievements.  We are a beacon of freedom and liberty unto the world because we strive to recognize that what makes us the same is so much more important than what makes us different.

“That is why African-American history is so essential to the American experience.  From Frederick Douglas to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., from George Washington Carver to Thurgood Marshall, and from Harriet Tubman to Maya Angelou, the numerous contributions that African-Americans have made throughout our nation’s existence have provided benefits that all of our people can share.

“Our culture has been deeply enriched and forever changed for the better by the accomplishments we celebrate this month.  So please make time this February – and throughout the rest of the year as well – to take notice of all the groundbreaking cultural, political, social and scientific contributions made by African Americans that have made our nation stronger.”

