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September 01, 2006
Stacey Farnen Bernards

Hoyer: In Honor of Labor Day, Raise the Minimum Wage

WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of Labor Day, which is this Monday, September 4:

"Labor Day is a celebration of America's working men and women who have made this nation strong and prosperous. 

"However, this year's traditional parades and picnics will be overshadowed by the recent reports of stagnant wages, falling middle class income and a growing gap between corporate profits and workers' share.

"Republican economic policies have greatly exacerbated all of these trends and it will take a change in leadership and significant action to reverse them.

"But raising the minimum wage is an important step that we can take immediately.  An increase will provide a pay raise for millions of hardworking Americans.  It is broadly supported by bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate, and by the public.

"Congress returns next week from a month of talking to constituents about deep concerns with our economy.  I hope that Republicans have realized their mistake in holding an increase in the minimum wage hostage to tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, and will allow a fair up-or-down vote this month on increasing the minimum wage.  It would be an appropriate tribute to the working Americans who have made our country the greatest on earth."
