Dodd Recognizes "week of the Young Child"
April 17, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee and Chairman of its Subcommittee on Children and Families, made the following statement to honor the Week of the Young Child:


Mr. President, I rise today to recognize the “Week of the Young Child.” With 20 million children under the age of 5 in this country, these children are our country’s future, and we must support and invest in our future. Providing children with access to quality early education programs will help to ensure that all children are not only ready for school, but ready to succeed and reach their full potential.


In Connecticut, early care and education centers were established to provide quality early education to children of low and moderate income families. These centers, which are in communities all over the state, would not exist without a combination of state and Federal funds. Connecticut’s centers are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and seek to support and promote the cognitive, physical, social and emotional development of children.


The Children’s Center of New Milford, CT is one of these funded early care and education centers. The Center offers quality care on a sliding-fee-scale to approximately 80 families. In addition to providing educational and social opportunities, the Center also provides 80% of a child’s daily nutritional needs including breakfast, a hot lunch and an afternoon snack. 


Many of the parents helped by the Center provide the workforce for small and large companies. They are employed by fast food stores, department stores, grocery stores, local restaurants, and nursing homes. Without the funded centers, these parents would not be able to afford childcare, and their children would not be able to benefit from the various educational, social, and emotional supports the centers provide.


One Connecticut parent wrote to me about how a quality pre-K program has changed her child’s life saying: “My three year old loves books. My three year old interacts well with others. My three year old knows how to express himself without anger. My three year old will grow up to be a good citizen. My three year old is a product of good parenting and a quality pre-K program. As a single working parent, I rely on a pre-K program to fill the gaps when I am unavailable to nurture and teach my child.”


I also heard from an elementary school Spanish teacher who discussed the benefits he has seen when children who come from non-English speaking families attend quality pre-K programs saying: “The ability to learn with peers and children who do speak English at home helps these children so that they are not further behind their peers when they start kindergarten.”


Funding quality early education programs such as these is essential to support the children, parents, communities, and future of our nation. I thank Senators Salazar and Cochran for their leadership with regards to the resolution designating the “Week of the Young Child” and proudly support them in their valuable efforts.

