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December 09, 2002
Stacey Farnen
(202) 225 - 3130

Democratic Whip-Elect Hoyer on House Democratic Economic Forum

It’s "Just the Beginning for a More Aggressive Dem Caucus"

WASHINGTON, DC - Democratic Whip-Elect Steny Hoyer (MD-5) released the following statement on the House Democratic economic forum taking place today during a press availability with other members of the House Democratic Leadership:

"This economic forum is just the beginning for a more aggressive, pro-active Democratic Caucus.

In the 108th Congress, Democrats will draw sharp, clear distinctions from the Republican agenda. There is not one of us here who believes that we effectively did that in the last Congress.

In doing so, Democrats are going to propose and fight for an economic program that - unlike the Republican plan - responds to the needs of the American people. It will be an economic program that stimulates economic growth and creates jobs. It will provide wisely targeted and affordable tax cuts - giving tax cuts to the American families that need them the most. It will be fiscally responsible and ensure long-term economic health.

Democrats are committed to a program that addresses our immediate economic needs and also strengthens Social Security and Medicare.

Democrats have a tremendous opening and we are going to seize it. The Administration is floundering. When it pushed out Paul O’Neill and Larry Lindsey on Friday, it all but admitted that its economic program had failed. The unemployment rate rose to 6 percent in November, the GOP refused to extend unemployment benefits even though that meant they were cutting off 830,000 unemployed workers three days after Christmas, and budget deficits are projected as far as the eye can see.

We are going to show the American people that Democrats have the right ideas on how to put the economy back on track."
