Fiscal Wake-up Tour
Beginning in September 2005, former Comptroller General David M. Walker, along with representatives from groups across the ideological spectrum, began participating in a series of nationwide town hall-style forums to bring attention to the mounting federal debt as well the challenges posed by emerging demographic and economic trends. Utilizing in part long-term fiscal projections and other materials from the GAO, the goal of the Tour is to state the facts about America’s finances, encourage citizen involvement, and promote legislative and other reforms by federal, state, and local officials. This effort is scheduled to continue through the 2008 presidential elections.
Former Comptroller Walker will continue to be a part of the tour in his new capacity with the Peter G. Peterson Foundation and the GAO will continue to address the nation’s long-term fiscal sustainability challenges through its reports and testimonies providing analysis and recommendations to Congress.
For more information on upcoming events, contact the Concord Coalition. Other organizations involved in the Fiscal Wake-Up Tour include the Heritage Foundation, the Brookings Institution, the Committee for Economic Development, the Association for Government Accountants, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, AARP, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, and various state treasurers and auditors.
Tour Q&A (as of November, 2007)
Related Presentations from the Comptroller General
- Saving Our Future Requires Tough Choices Today, Fiscal Wake-Up Tour
- Tallahassee, Florida
- GAO-08-465CG, January 14, 2008
- Full Presentation (PDF, 42 pages)
- America’s
Fiscal Future, June 2006 Video, 11 minutes, 19 seconds
David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, speaks about America’s current financial condition and long-term fiscal outlook
Media Coverage
"Iowa Press," July
27, 2007 edition
Comptroller General David M. Walker and Robert Bixby of the Concord Coalition
discuss the Fiscal Wake-Up Tour and our nation's long-term fiscal outlook
News program "60 Minutes" March 4, 2007 (rebroadcast July 8,
Featured Comptroller General Walker and his participation in the Fiscal Wake-Up