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Performance Budgeting: Efforts to Restructure Budgets to Better Align Resources with Performance
GAO-05-117SP, February 1, 2005
Military Travel: Differences in Military Services' Temporary Duty Travel Budgets
NSIAD-88-139, June 17, 1988
Army Budget: Selected Analyses of M1 Tank Budgets for Fiscal Years 1980-1985
NSIAD-86-75FS, February 25, 1986
Environmental Protection Agency: Difficulties in Comparing Annual Budgets for Science and Technology
T-RCED-99-120, March 18, 1999
Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to DOD's Ammunition Budgets
NSIAD-90-256, September 17, 1990
Air Force Budget: Potential Reductions to Aircraft Procurement Budgets
NSIAD-90-15, October 5, 1989
Defense Budget: Potential Reductions to Army and Marine Corps Missile Budgets
NSIAD-86-158BR, August 6, 1986
Army Budget: Potential Reductions to M1 Tank and Bradley Fighting Vehicle Budgets
NSIAD-86-136BR, June 11, 1986
Army Budget: Potential Reductions to Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles Budgets
NSIAD-90-13, November 27, 1989
NASA Budgets: Gap Between Funding Requirements and Projected Budgets Has Been Reopened
NSIAD-95-155BR, May 12, 1995
Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
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