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August 02, 2004

Hoyer Introduces "Full-Service Community Schools Act"

Hoyer Helped Establish Judy Centers in Maryland, and Looks to Congress to Expand Program Nationwide

"I am extremely proud to introduce the Full-Service Community Schools Act.  My late wife Judy was a dedicated educator who taught me about the importance of early education and the potential of full service schools.  The full-service schools supported by this Act will be able to improve their coordination, delivery, effectiveness, and efficiency of services to children and families," said Congressman Hoyer.

» Congressman Hoyer's full statement on the "Full-Service Community Schools Act"

» Summary of the Full Service Community Schools Act

» Full Service Community Schools that are already working to help our students.

» Full Service Community Schools Act

» Supporters of H.R. 4585, the Full Service Community Schools Act

» List of Cosponsors
