rabble’s Favorites

rabble Reading "The Other Half of Artists Ship" - that was my experience at yahoo vs startups
paperslut I can literally see red flames from the side of the Taj. This is so tragic.
mibdepot @rabble School of planning and architecture 4-Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 110002 Ph. 011 - 2372 4383
Blaine Cook
blaine Watching netfl*x on my xb*x in the UK. Proxies FTW. Now to figure out how to tell netfl*x to hold my queue indefinitely.
Michael Koziarski
nzkoz Disgraceful conduct is disgraceful even without a final paragraph. It blights the name of an otherwise awesome company.
Rev Dan Catt
revdancatt I like to think of myself as a vegetarian, who just happens to like eating meat.
Tom Coates
Tom Coates
plasticbagUK I have found my talk from last year, one of the first I gave about Fire Eagle when it was a prototype. I could give it again, I suppose...
Terry Jones
terrycojones Aussies don't want to be mistaken for NZ'ers, Irish don't want to be for Brits, Canadians for US, etc. US don't want to be mistaken for US.
Dare Obasanjo
Carnage4Life "Its not based on any particular data point" a Treasury spokeswoman told "We just wanted to choose a really large number." $700bn
nkallen Hey everybody, I have exciting news: I am moving on from Pivotal; I am now a Twitter employee.
MissRFTC I am totally serious. My Ob/Gyn was IN my vagina and an earthquake started rattling the room!
Geoffrey Grosenbach
topfunky @gruber The Hold On! app could never be as entertaining as the documentary "Hands on a Hard Body"
Kevin Clark
Mr Messina
factoryjoe Somewhat confused by Twitter's latest UI tweaks... Star to reply on other people's streams? Privacy lock next the username? Design thinking?
Paul Hammond
ph "the problem with ruby coders is they're better at css than they are at code" -- kellan
Michael Arrington
TechCrunch @marshallk gushes over Jive Software. As a user, I have to say going with Jive was the worst business decision we've ever made.
Amit superamit Gupta
superamit Woah. A genuinely clever banner ad! (From Apple)
obie Am I the only one that's noticed that Craig McClanahan, creator of Struts, is now a Rails guy?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla rayreadyray Florian kellan Sarah Milstein Dan Da Mystik Homeboy Blaine Cook ews Kevin S. Eric Case Buzz Andersen danah boyd Pete Hopkins Mr Messina gaba Surj Patel Maureen Evans joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Cal Henderson brady forrest Karl Fischer Neil Drumm Amit superamit Gupta salaud Geoffrey Grosenbach
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