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Also, they specify "Red Zinfandel" here. How cute.
I like MSP, even if they do have multiple Fox News Channel stores
Plane trouble, 6 hour delay, still in North Dakota. Feels like this shit will never be over
Another slightly less than awesome day in the land of my youth. At least the snow is pretty and the people are nice.
Looking through old pictures of me and my dad
Taking off just as @pairofbrowneyes lands a few hundred feet away. Cruel fate.
@Josh I hear you can find an excellent "discount" on the 3rd floor.. near @larrrk 's desk!
SFO -> MOT... don't see that one very often, do you?
Site we're re-launching right now is going to be on the 5pm news.. guess we'll find out how the new code does under increased server stress
JGH 1947-2008
@ccg @dakami @seanbonner @tara and @flaterik . A new personal record.
At lunch with (ahem) :
Can't believe the elbow is already worn through on my new-ish sweater. Guess that's why our forefathers developed leather pad technology
I wonder if trying to set a new personal record for caffeine consumption would make the work day go by faster or slower
I wonder what exact point in my life it was that I went from loathing The Police to being capable of actually really enjoying them. GH2?
Lunch 2.0 at Rayko. Thanks for the sammich, mychoicebot
Impressed with the Gmail themes... though I wish Terminal was even somewhat usable.
Very excited about the potential for this sort of iphone application:


Dan Mike Michon Ian McKellar Sharon ario Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin Scott Beale Veronica Belmont Tantek Çelik Jesse! Jeff Gerstmann Greg Stein Nicole Lee kimberley dotBen Danny Crystal Williams Josh Andrew Mager rstevens Brad Fitzpatrick seaofclouds Chris Wanstrath Lisa Phillips Ori hotdogsladies Pierre Omidyar Jette Swan Evan Brine Bay Area Earthquakes Mr. Faultline Barack Obama Rafe Needleman