Michael Arrington’s Favorites

Gabe Rivera
gaberivera The Widexplorer tech page really looks good on my 132 inch TV . The only problem: @TechCrunch comes before @Techmeme ...
Blaine Cook
blaine Twitter is dead to me (until IM comes back). Frustrated, because it's not a difficult service to restore. :-(
Blaine Cook
blaine Looks like @bs got Twitter + Jabber working again. Turning on processes can be hard to do sometimes. ;-)
Loic Le Meur
loiclemeur @TechCrunch Barry Diller quoted TechCrunch on stage saying he was reading it all the time in case you missed it.
Blaine Cook
blaine @ev and refusing to even enforce some rough "bar rules" makes Twitter pretty attractive for griefers.
Blaine Cook
blaine @ev I don't care whether the specific case is valid or not. Twitter's philosophical response here is what matters.
Blaine Cook
blaine @chrisfullman no, of course not! :-) I fully support Ariel here. Twitter shouldn't be a haven for abusive people.
Blaine Cook
blaine @gstein, @arielwaldman I particularly like Twitter TOS general condition #3: # We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any ......
dickie adams
dickieadams @TechCrunch Wow - that is quite the snipe there (from Wired). But check the Zeke comment about Betsy - interesting
Michael Arrington
TechCrunch Wow. Fuck you too, Wired.
Evan Williams
ev FWIW: Twitter currently has no plans to abandon RoR. Lots of our code is not in RoR, already, though. Maybe that's why people are confused.
Navin Kabra
ngkabra @techcrunch, sums up your wikipedia situation perfectly
ChaCha @TechCrunch answer: I hope you aren't blocked. Try ChaCha again soon!
ChaCha @TechCrunch asked: has been blocked.
Lisa Dilg
pprlisa @TechCrunch I stand corrected, they answered me 3 times. Guess who is getting blocked :)
Lisa Dilg
pprlisa @TechCrunch yeah - I saw that, so I specifically asked ChaCha a question and they did NOT answer me - I guess I am not imprt enough
Blaine Cook
blaine Apparently Mike Arrington's deleting comments from the post about my departure. Classy.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Josh Kopelman veen Chris Sacca Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Ross om Gavin Narendra Dave McClure David Ulevitch Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Kathy Johnson adam Jeff Bonforte tommy payne Scott Beale Rob Hayes Oren Michels (jeff)isageek Dave Morin seth goldstein Jason Calacanis joshua schachter Fred Oliveira Jyri Engeström Justine Megan McCarthy
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