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Featured Biographies

John Quincy Adams
Image of John Quincy Adams

George Aiken
Senator George Aiken

Nelson Aldrich
Nelson Aldrich by Paul Peter Kiehart

William Boyd Allison
William Allison by Wilbur Aaron Reaser

Henry B. Anthony
Photo of Senator Henry Anthony

David Rice Atchison

Alben Barkley
Photo of Alben Barkley of Kentucky

Thomas Hart Benton
Photo of Thomas Hart Benton

Hiram Bingham
Photo of Senator Hiram Bingham of Connecticut

James G. Blaine

William Blount

William Borah
Photo of Senator William Borah

Edward Brooke

Blanche K. Bruce
Blanche Kelso Bruce by Simmie Lee Knox

John C. Calhoun
Image of John C. Calhoun

Hattie Wyatt Caraway
Hattie Caraway by John Oliver Buckley

Dennis Chavez
Photo of Senator Dennis Chavez

Henry Clay
Henry Clay by Allyn Cox

Roscoe Conkling
Photo of Senator Roscoe Conkling of New York

Charles Curtis
Photo of Vice President Charles Curtis

Jefferson Davis
Image of Senator Jefferson Davis

Chauncey M. Depew

Everett McKinley Dirksen
Everett McKinley Dirksen by Richard Hood Harryman

Stephen A. Douglas

Oliver Ellsworth
Image of Oliver Ellsworth

Sam Ervin
Photo of Sam Ervin

Rebecca Latimer Felton
Photo of Senator Rebecca Felton of Georgia

Ralph E. Flanders

Hiram Fong
Hiram Fong

J. William Fulbright

John Nance Garner
John Nance Garner by Howard Chandler Christy

Guy Gillette
Photo of Senator Guy Gillette of Iowa

Carter Glass
Photo of Senator Carter Glass

Arthur Pue Gorman

Philip A. Hart

Gilbert Hitchcock
Photo of Senator Gilbert Hitchcock of Nebraska

Ralph Izard

Nancy L. Kassebaum
Image of Nancy L. Kassebaum

John F. Kennedy
Photo of Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts

Rufus King
Image of Senator Rufus King of New York

Robert La Follette
Robert M. La Follette by Robert Chester La Follette

Octaviano Larrazolo

Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr.
Photo of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts

William Maclay

Willie P. Mangum
Willie P. Mangum by James Reid Lambdin

Mike Mansfield
Mike Mansfield by Aaron Shikler

Joseph R. McCarthy
Photo of Senator Joseph McCarthy

Charles McNary
Photo of Charles McNary, Life Magazine

George Mitchell
Photo of Senator George Mitchell of Maine

Justin Morrill
Justin Morrill by Jonathan Eastman Johnson

Wayne L. Morse
Photo of Senator Wayne Morse

Lee Slater Overman
Lee Slater Overman by Unknown

Timothy Pickering
Image of Timothy Pickering

Orville H. Platt
Photo of Senator Orville Platt of Connecticut

Hiram Revels
Photograph of Senator Hiram Revels

Joseph T. Robinson
Joseph T. Robinson by Nicholas Richard Brewer

Hugh Scott
Hugh Scott

Morris Sheppard
Morris Sheppard by Boris Bernhard Gordon

James Shields
James Shields

Margaret Chase Smith
Photo of Margaret Chase Smith

John C. Spooner
Photo of Senator John C. Spooner of Wisconsin

William Sprague
Image of Senator William Sprague of Rhode Island

Charles Sumner
Charles Sumner by Walter Ingalls

Robert A. Taft
Robert A. Taft by Rudolf Anton Bernatschke

Benjamin R. Tillman
Photo of Senator Ben Tillman

Millard E. Tydings

Oscar Underwood
Photo of Senator Oscar Underwood of Alabama

Arthur Vandenberg
Photo of Senator Arthur Vandenberg

Robert Wagner
Photo of Senator Robert Wagner of New York

Thomas J. Walsh
Photo of Senator Thomas Walsh of Montana

Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster by Adrian S. Lamb

Kenneth S. Wherry
Kenneth S. Wherry by Roma Christine Harlan


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Information about any senator, representative, vice president, or member of the Continental Congress.  

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