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At what point does a whitepaper become an ebook? My little JSF+WLP dev guide about 50% done at 30-40 PDF pages already.
Early draft for JSR 227 recently released. The pages per year ratio not very high, must have been an interesting process.
Required to reset one of many pwds. Getting hard to remember. Will write them all on notecard, pin on office wall. That's where this leads.
Fidelity sent email reminding me my account statement from November is now online. Why did they have to do that, now very sad. :(
@mrtall it repro'd couple times 30 min ago even after cache flush, but now workin fine. Was getting JS error when typing in box. NvrMind!
wondering if @mrtall knows there is a JS error on FF2 in ajaxCrossfader.js line 56
@alextoussaint 16 days? what are you running from? if you are stashing ill-gotten cash, its Bahamas not Hawaii.
Wondering about adoption of Apache Shale/Clay. Only 1 hit on for "shale" that isn't Petroleum related.
@mrtall problem solved, unwanted tweets are gone. Thanks!
Dropped off Twitter for 40 hrs. Had to slog through Twitter backlog this morn. Backlog equivalence theorem: 2 hrs Twitter posts == 1 email
@mattmaccaux it had that wonderful Fargo bizareness to it. I would like to think that's just day in a life up in Alaska.
Hilarious (or devastating, if you are a veggie) Palin interview with turkey being slaughtered in background
Got a 504 Gateway Timeout from corp web proxy. Error page: "Please contact the administrator." Very tempting, but perhaps not constructive.
@ekoneil its an interesting project, not just "what WLP supports" but also recipes like "how best share state between 2 JSF portlets", etc
Been laying siege to JSF+WLP. Whitepaper in works. Expect Java web frameworks to be my life for 2009. Sad to walk away from Cloud work :(
Is Shaq on Twitter? @THE_REAL_SHAQ He is very quotatious, but check his followings. Why would big fella be following @matasar for example?
Filed my first Twitter support ticket, let's see how this goes. I unfollowed someone last week, still getting their updates in my stream.
Farewell party for Arlene and ChristineW today. Both tenures > 8 years. Bummer.
@smusson do you need a hug, man?
@ekoneil @alextoussaint yeah it hit HS male demographic square. The exact thought that entered my head was "What would Airwolf do?" Honest.


Simone Brunozzi Sam Pullara Simon Shelston Eddie Awad Oracle Lauren Cooney Tim Bray bill arconati Carl Backstrom Alistair Croll kevin walsh Jay Simons Dion Almaer Justin Kestelyn Chris Bucchere Miralles remy Bob Rhubart Stuart Charlton Geva Perry James Urquhart jvcalise Eddie O'Neil Jesper Joergensen mattmaccaux Mikeyp ruv GoGrid tquigley alextoussaint Kelvin Lawrence jolley Andy Lorek Subbu Allamaraju jambay rbergman Tim Pesce