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feeling intimidated by @mzsanford's new profile image
@Marifer what doesn't look right about Twitter search? Is the formatting missing?
Seem to be able to avert the sfo tmobile wifi throttling by pausing and resuming my download every five minutes
@rafer whatever junky boingo thing is at sfo
excited about the work we got done today @jeremy
airport wifi seems to throttle my itunes movie download
@jeremy yes, who can recommand a sf dentist covered by twitter's health care plan?
sometimes seeing @jeremy in his biking gear in the morning makes me think he's going to dance a jig
the poop cannon apparently also fires beer bottles, now my front stoop is covered in broken glass encrusted poop
wishing @twitterpod didn't have a weird animated hippy background, and that its growl actually worked
@cjgrier it looked to be the collected works of sixth street poop...
Wishing @gimmeshetler was here to watch top chef with us
Cleaning up the aftermath of what could only have been a poop canon exploding right outside my front door
@bttnsmom ya, looks cool. about an hour from here
the lox have gone nova and there were nice beans for my french press...breakfast just keeps getting better
i have no idea where ruby's Socket.gethostname is defined, but it is certainly preferable to `hostname`
i will now attempt to reset my frustrating day
@drnic can you take a look at the following? i believe such a change is needed for rails 2.1 compatibility in general
@trendrr that link says i don't belong
@_evan what are we doing to mongrel?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams sara Alissa Steve Jenson Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman veen Chris Sacca caroline Dave McClure Scott Beale bryan mason Oren Michels JohnBorthwick Scott Hussein Rafer Andrew Parker Nelson Minar Eddie Codel Alex Payne Greg Veen Ryan Carver Britt Selvitelle meangrape Evan Twitter Dave Troy John Adams Pete Cashmore Jonathan Bulava Fred Wilson Andrew Weissman Alex Iskold