Alissa’s Favorites

Greg Pass
gregpass Dreamt I lunched with @alissa: she was viewing her meal through yellow stained glass, and explained to me the beneficial properties thereof.
Eric Wright
ericwright Rands's wonderful response to the "mother of invention cop-out: "Panic is the mother of the path of least resistance."
Jason Goldman
goldman @crystal isn't terribly impressed by my Spanish skills. I think queso casalito as a translation for cottage cheese is pretty good.
Alex Payne
al3x Wait, "Cyber Monday" is about *shopping*? I have a few IM transcripts to delete...
Eric Wright
ericwright Thinking about the overlap between software development and legislature: we have mostly spaghetti code in need of refactoring.
Eric Wright
ericwright Instead of waking up to forget perfectly composed symphonies or perfectly written screenplays, I now wake up and forget a really good tweet.
Remiel Even with a pitchfork and torch, a single person cannot effectively ostracize another human being. It takes a village.
Jason Goldman
goldman VMware is some pretty impressive stuff, I have to say. I've got Windows right where I want it ... in a little cage I can ignore.
Ivan Kirigin
tipjoy favorite new word: FAILout
robey doing the happy-happy "not on call anymore" dance (it's a foxtrot)
delbius In between @alissa and Google, I've figured out a bash command and used it successfully! Tonight, there will be celebration!
Biz Stone
biz wow -- I just won the oxford union debate!!! Crazy - time for champagne!
Eric Wright
ericwright Daily newspaper comics use the exclamation point the way most of us use a period. I mean "...the way most of us use a period!"
Remiel Blaming the failure of domestic automakers on the economy is like blaming the collapse of the twin towers on gravity.
Matt Sanford
mzsanford I has a hate. It seems to be all I has so I'll hug it and pet it and name it George.
Brian Dunning
BrianDunning is skeptical of your claim.
sara Daytime elvator rides in my building: Brief moments of over exposure to someone's over applied perfume or cigarettes.
William Adama
billadama Trying to remember who, exactly, danced "the robot" at the last Colonial Day Ball.


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