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New drawing of @enolarama and @willpants up on flickr!
Went to see Punisher w @kleer001, it was mayhemtastic and violentolacious! Ultravi FTW1!
PBR bottlecap jewelry at Mission Bazaar ! Ahhhh! Fuck your hipster eight-years-ago PBR meme!
Walking along 15th at Valenica behind pair of hipsters who are LITERALLY carrying a 12pk of Pabst. Must suck to be ironic.
At Mission Bazaar! So freakin much desirable goods- none for me, but mebbe sum foar u!
Off to Palo Alto to pop by Frank's. Hopefully traffic not bad. Then Mission Bazaar!
TIny sore throat, much Guidolon work done, trashy book to read=couch for me. Week of miracles and griefs has left me wrecked.
Eating macrobiotic bowl of shredded kale and healthy stuff from Cafe Gratitude, SO GOOD. Why does cafe g have to be so annoying?
@peaching - hell yes to kisses!
VB article on me in sfgate:
Today is a better day, thanks to you all and @violetblue- already inquiry about portrait and art sale on etsy!
Sitting in car in Richmond cryying. I know tomorw will be a better day than today, i just wish it were tomorrow already.
My ex husband is a Bad Person. I hate my life today.
At Ritual. Cappuccino nectar of life. No plugs for my lightbox tho- rar!
I r bored. Thinking will go to Ritual or Noisebridge to draw til time to pick up @kleer001 at SFO.
@NiferCritter - heck yeah, I love cookiemaking!
Can't wait to walk into a store and hear "Let it Snow" or maybe "Santa Baby"!
I'm so sorry to all of you who hate it-but I love me some holiday music. I can listen to "Winter Wonderland" basically infinity times.
Off to town, errands, then shortly to do painting and interview with @violetblue, what fun!
I feel bad that I'm mad that they got my drink wrong at Peets, when Iraqi kids have no roofs because US bombed their homes. Americans-sigh.


Scott Beale Gareth Branwyn Forrest L Norvell John Adams Wil Wheaton Aaron Muszalski Laura R Colin Fahrion meriko borogove violet blue ® carol f Alex Peake criollo Emily ivy_crown ickaboo grey p00n Jim Cox Eric Gradman izzytart burmashave Heidi Libby Bulloff NiferCritter nathanfhtagn heather meadows thrusty todd Datamancer Jake von Slatt Mr. Nightshade jaborwhalky aimee kleer001 Eva redclarissa