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Just how hellish and mobbed will CostCo be today.... really only one way to find out (two if you count chicken entrail study as predictor..)
Also, ears still ringing from 2nd AC/DC show of the week..... ouch! and rawk!
My cat is on the youtube blog.... and isn't he lovely......
Had so much fun at AC/DC got tickets for thurs night's show too... so much more win than any Raiders game i've been to.....
Hot for words, on pages, in bewks...... ( new video )
Ah, Scottish nostalgia-break.....
Tail end of longest-time-off-in-ages.... more sorting out the garage and watching football.... oh suburbia!, as Robert Plant didn't say....
I have been to Target and no one got crushed....
Watching Close Encounters... it takes forever to get going and looks old as hell.... ah, memories.....
...going to what might be a pseudo-wedding because someone's parents are in town....
Me shouting in someone else's video....
guy at the paint store has amusing line in pushy up-selling... "is it for a rental? how do you feel about paint fumes?"
14th anniversary of my first american night-before-thanksgiving- me so assimilated. Plus new vid
Some YouTube Live footage because you've almost certainly not seen enough yet.....
Bacon breakfast.... editing some footage.... some YouTube Live vid to follow that will be like everything else you've already seen...
YouTube Office. Watching an IanCrossland video..... tha'ts what I call kicking it old school.....
Obama Girl forced to humor bald scotsman....
And now a word from our sponsors....
All hungover from youtube live.... maybe i need one of these....
I survived youtube live.... ton of footage.... posted soon/eventually....


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