Larry Sullivan
Chief, Rare Book and Special Collections Division
American History
American Literature
Book Arts
The Illustrated Book
List of Selected Special Collections
Concordance of Images (Includes information on how to order copies of the images)
A detail from the Gutenberg Bible (Mainz: Johann Gutenberg, 1454-55), the first book printed with movable type. (Vollbehr Collection) | |
Credits for the Print Version This publication was made possible by generous support from the James Madison Council, a national, private-sector advisory council dedicated to helping the Library of Congress share its unique resources with the nation and the world. The print version of this guide is composed in Centaur, a typeface designed by American typographer and book designed Bruce Rodgers (1870-1957). The full type font was first used at the Montague Press in 1915 for an edition of Maurice de Guérin's The Centaur. The Rare Book and Special Collections Division has in its collections considerable material relating to Rodger's life and work |
Credits for the World Wide Web Version
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