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@slthomas Congratulations! I hope you have a great summit and they all do incredible things (with your help and training).
Housemate's wise brother: "It's not called Soberlin." Agreed.
You too can phone bank for Jim Martin FROM HOME — Pro Tip: Don't burst out laughing during the middle of a call
Phonebank for Martin (running for Senate in GA) to help Obama pass his agenda in Wilder 112 now to 4pm! Bring your phone and computer.
Prose before hoes: a teaser of the production I saw at Williams last week
Teh kittehs are trying to get between my computer and me, just like my ex. Didn't work before and it won't work now, bitches.
@gabbysilang My last phone interview: interrupted by my falling off my chair—ending up under my desk—and flinging my cell across the room ...
@jwisser Sorry, just saw this now; we were there until close. Sign up for emails:
Drinking Liberally 11pm tonight at the Feve. Come and I'll buy you a drink. (P.S. the special is $4 well long islands—EXACTLY!)
Our two new kittehs must learn to never bite the hand that feeds you. Also, to never pick a fight w/ people who buy ink by the barrel, etc
MSNBC et al.: events scheduled in advance (e.g. Congressional hearings) are not "BREAKING NEWS." Plz change your chyron. kthxbai.
Arrived in MA after a long journey. Now time for rest; tomorrow we start investigating Ben J's past for anything interesting.
Sexiest @hodgman ever: — Not b/c he's out of focus & partially obscured; it's the glasses (both eye & martini)
Does Lieberman disprove Oscar Wilde's smart but difficult lesson: "Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much"? Oh noes!
@asfrankl Gerard: "Don't worry, I've got a the Clockwork Orange audiobook, a Dr. Pepper air-freshener, and a GPS so I don't get lost."
My dream: turned out the vote in a dorm, fell in love, biked on the ocean floor, & chastised a director for scheduling a play during hockey
@misc Drudge embarrasses himself more than that drag queen whose balls fell out last year at Drag Ball. But Drudge does it every day.
City of Oberlin voted 88.5% for Obama; the two main Oberlin College precincts voted 94% for Obama. Win.
Chanted "What does democracy look like? This is what democracy looks like" last night without irony for the first time in eight years.
Oberlin students are outside screaming, dancing, & celebrating. This is the best night at Oberlin ever.