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This site is a service of the Federal Depository Library Program. It is maintained by volunteers from the FDL community from institutions across the United States.

In order to become a contributor, volunteers must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a member of the Federal depository library community. Non federal depository librarians can become contributors if they are from a Federal depository library and have permission from OSU and their institution.
  • Adhere to the site's End User Agreement. Volunteers must comply with submission guidelines, site privacy policy, and provide ongoing maintenance for their submissions.
  • Browse Topics links to Federal Web sites, unless directed by the agency that owns the site. Acceptable federal government-owned or government-sponsored Web site domains include .gov, .mil and Browse Topics also links to: quasi-government agencies and Web sites created by public sector/private sector partnerships; state and local government sites; and some government-sponsored Web sites that end in .com, .org, or .net (e.g. This site does not provide links to any site that does not meet the above criteria.
If you are interested in becoming a contributor, please complete the "Apply to Contribute" link on the left and complete the form.

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