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following @mumbaiattack and @vinu photostream on flickr #mumbai
Images from #mumbai on flickr:
Google maps is a little different.
I love that itunes is coming up as a top topic on search.twitter. No meme, now coordinated effort. People just talking about music/movies.
Just cancelled my friendster account. Kept the account for old times' sake until I started getting SPAM. Bye old friend(ster).
Bruce Springsteen giving away new single on itunes today only:
Just saw a guy in biker spandex riding a unicycle. I'd imagine him wearing a clown outfit.
I'm thinking of seeing JCVD tonight:
FYI, the Cheney indictment came out from an investigation that started on the Howard Stern show.
Just checked out @mchammer's website: It's totally built around twitter.
just saw and ad for Plan B birth control. Ad specifically says, "It's not the abortion pill."
I think Pirates are like Pimps. Both are really bad people, but lately everyone wants to say they are one or the other.
CNN saying that Lieberman keeps the HS Chair, but might lose his environmental subcommittee chairmanship.
You can now order Dominos from your TiVo:
Crowd goes wild for ricki lake and Xena warrior princess.
Just heard ricki lake say as I walked by her "there are so many good looking gay guys here today" maybe I should tell her I'm straight ;-)
LA mayor credits bloggers with world wide no on 8 rallys.
LA mayor back from the fire and is downtown for the #noon8 rally.
#Noon8 rally downtown LA at spring and 1st is more like a party with a cause. Come on out.
Out of traffic and now downtown to rally against #prop8.


Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd om Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Jason Calacanis jyo Nancy Scola noreen daypuyat nicco mele Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Zadi Diaz Tantek Çelik Justin Abbott Joshua Levy Mickipedia Robert Scoble jimbo wales CNN Breaking News Mike Ambs Mathew Gross noneck Tom Lee Mike Hudack Steve Garfield Micah Sifry Greg Greene Jim Brayton The New York Times Brian Reich Justin Pinder Barack Obama Michael Arrington
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