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and why is facebook down? annoya
feeling a little more like web 1.5 after figuring out that vodpod is the only way to get video onto wordpress. i love when shit works
@missrogue thanks for coming - sorry i didn't get a real chance to say hi.
@tferriss congratulations on this. I heard it was great
Check out And+we+rocked! at - pics and video
getting to rock at the Great American Music Hall. Can't wait to see everyone there!
for those about to rock, we salute you!
nice walk with kids to fort point. cool climbing gym nearby too. dentist appt for kiddos - we'll be saving that $6000 for braces!
oh the internet is sooo slow on days like this where the neighborhood kids are downloading music from limewire
Check out the Open Source Band profile at
wondering how long mold has been growing in our xmas stockings - ewwww
does anyone have experience with GATE (gifted and talented) programs at the elementary school level?
getting ready to decide what books who should have at my kids' book fair
Check out Hey, Party People - Free Phone, Free Ride at Silicon Valley Rocks
Check out Ladies Rock Camp - Experience Optional. Enthusiasm Required! at
@CathyBrooks and then he said, hello, is it me you're looking for?
recovering from last night's parties - ouch.
@missrogue it's too bad that prop 8 was on the ballot this election as the presidential election required everyone's focus
oh no the republicans won in kansas where they want to teach creationism and eliminate teaching evolution
love the buckeyes