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70 reblogs! That tops everything I've ever posted.
Going through Tumblr and seeing all the reblog notifications, this is a big one (SNL Digital Short).
Prodution values were perfect.
OH MY GOD! New digital short is so good! Jorma's in it!
The Weekend Update bit on that kid who wrote a book on how to talk to girls was priceless.
@kevinrose Why do you never talk about all the negative GoDaddy stories on Diggnation?
@awilkinson Nice! I still need to check them out.
All I want for Christmas is a is a iPhone developer.
At British Inporters with my Dad.
Got client work to do, then I can get back to my exciting new idea :)
Getting so many telemarketers calls! Wish I could pipe my calls through my Gmail spam filter.
@scottmeinzer Jump to 9:27 of the video :) Then 12:50.
Very pleased that I now know how to make a good wood texture.
GoDaddy is loading my gun and prepping my cyanide tablet.
@buzz Me too! Can't wait to see it live
Eating a dry flour tortilla and drinking water. We need groceries.
Very odd bug in The Sims, if they are stuck in bed or a hot tub they can't die. They live on comfort.
Super pleased with myself right now. Getting this weeks idea out of my brain and into Photoshop.
Just got all my Sims into the pool, lets see how they do without a ladder! MUHAHAHA!


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