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I sleep so much and work so little, it's like a little life reset. Feeling good about tomorrow, the day when anything is possible.
Music on repeat and calling it a night, stuffed on too much fried turkey and everything else. Thankful for my family and all you fine folks.
Overheard from the back seat: "Hurry hurry, they're gonna eat it all!"
I wish I could use morse code with the clicker on the iPhone headphones for advanced commands like "set song to repeat" or "restart album".
Core Intuition 11 has arrived. If you're traveling this week, why not download for the trip? Tools, designers, betas.
New podcast editing routine: listen to music in the background (iTunes set as low as it can go, Soundtrack Pro set high).
Reviewing stats for before heading over for a meeting.
I miss the days when I thought my software was perfect. Before anyone else saw it.
Congrats to @danbenjamin and @duncan for launching Tack Sharp. They are off to a great start.
@benkimball I have the Solo too, it's good. I'm going to miss Firewire if I ever have to get a new MacBook.
Refactoring and cleaning up Ruby code not because I want to, but out of guilt for whoever will look at this project next.
@ryanirelan I thought that was via the iPhone only? You can use it from a laptop without hacks?
Working from Starbucks for the morning. I tried to cancel my T-mobile account two weeks ago but they gave me free wi-fi hours to stay.
Bought Killers tickets for February in Austin. Using some of these online ticket sites is almost so painful I just don't want to bother.
Impressed with the restraint @jessegrosjean had in building TaskPaper 2.0. Everything is better, but it's not overloaded with new UI.
@philippec If you can attend on the cheap, it's worth it. But I was in the same boat: no active iPhone dev, so more for tips and networking.
Trying to get my head around work even though it's a short week. I feel like it's already Thursday.
@ryanirelan Fail indeed. That is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen come out of Apple.
@damon I pity the Ruby coder who ever has to debug or change that code. Running scared back to my sane compiled languages now.
Cannot type fast enough to implement the stream of things in my head at the moment. Cruising.


Buzz Andersen Jonathan Wight lane Geoffrey Grosenbach Ryan Schwartz Ryan Irelan Alex Payne John Gruber Neven Mrgan Craig Hockenberry Bruce Williams Scott McNulty Erin Amy Jane Gruber Fraser Speirs phil burrows Zachery Bir Brent Simmons rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Dan Moren Jim Correia Luis de la Rosa Gus Mueller Chris Liscio Mike Zornek Jamie Stephens Damon Clinkscales Cris Pearson Smythe Richbourg Paul Kafasis MarsEdit C4 Ian Baird Wii Paul
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