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@Rachelskirts saved money but sold your soul to consumer America maaaaaaan </liberalhipsterguy>
Worst. Refs. Ever
Did Robbie Hummell really need to foul out? I think not.
@blankbaby mine still hasn't shipped :(
I feel like I'm at Al Sweargens saloon.
Now you know why i dont shop at wal mart
I suck at taking days off.
@lwdupont yea. They are low priced now.
Holy Black Friday DVD deals. $10 Transformers Blu-Ray & $10 Entourage seasons acquired.
I am leaving thanksgiving with an entire pumpkin pie. VICTORY
And we have blood.
Fooooooooood. Alright. </clockwork>
All I want for Christmas is for the Lions to go 0-16.
Jewelry store commercials make me physically ill
Ron & Fez's Thanksgiving Special: my thanksgiving tradition.
Macy's Parade Gets Rickrolled. So awesome (
Nothing says thanksgiving like The Fugitive. Harrison Ford rocks a mean beard.
Dear @Mcdonalds: thanskgiving is not a holiday that warrants you being closed. Shorter hours, maybe. Closed, no. God bless burger king.


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