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major terrorist attacks in Bombay. gunmen shooting in 7 places, grenades lobbed. people if you got some information send it
@jkingsbury sorry which link did you want. i am sending out too many links this morning
@loiclemeur there are idiots everywhere. what can i say.
@PhoneBoy thanks - look forward to your reply
@neil_robertson it keeps coming . @efors we know who they are :-) @frani_lieberman oy oy@jeffmacintyre nice one. @tombiro bleeding
@amiecn it is
just got pitched by PR for saying big fans of wired. good call them and while you are at it, don't ever call me again :-)
"You know times are tight when even Steve Jobs starts cutting prices."Fortune.
anyone knows how to make a better bookmarklet for wordpress. default isn't good. need to customize'
@PhoneBoy switch to iPhone. as simple as that :-)
@mojosd charlie didn't ask the tough question: why should you live.
@zanders sometimes it is not worth trying
@michaeljung it is still not online i watched at a friend's house last night
@RobertJGates hah! @minhaaj just not lie on tv would be a start.
@BirdOnAWire55 us government sponoring MEts now :-) new america's team
@davidavdavid moving it today. writing a post about it. i shouldn't be so angry
how many of you saw citibank ceo lie through his teeth on charlie rose last night?