Congressman Stephen F. Lynch
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August 1, 2007

CONTACT:  Matt Ferraguto
(617) 428-2007




  Congressman Stephen F. Lynch announced that the U.S. House of Representatives has approved $300,000 in federal funding to expand services at Suffolk University Law School’s Juvenile Justice Center (JJC).  The funding was included in the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations Act for FY 2008, which now heads to the U.S. Senate.


Founded in 1998 with a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, the JJC provides legal representation, social services and education advocacy for youth in the juvenile justice system. In the last decade, the Center has emerged as a major source of legal support, technical assistance and policy leadership in the juvenile justice arena, both in Massachusetts and across the nation.  The JJC handles 500 to 600 delinquency cases every year.


Congressman Lynch said, “"This federal funding is a direct result of the hard work and dedication of President David Sargent, the faculty, staff and students at Suffolk University and the JJC.  Their combined commitment has helped thousands of young men and women at risk to earn a real ‘second chance’ and emerge as healthy, productive individuals.  I salute President Sargent’s continued support of this noble effort and Suffolk University’s continued service to young people in our region.”


“On behalf of Suffolk University, we thank Congressman Lynch for supporting the work of our Juvenile Justice Center,” said Suffolk University President David J. Sargent.  “In addition to training young attorneys, this support enables the Center to continue its research, education, training and advocacy efforts to benefit court-involved children throughout the state.”


Earlier this year, at the request of Suffolk University, Congressman Lynch approached Republican and Democratic leaders on the House Appropriations Committee to formally request federal funding to expand services at the Juvenile Justice Center.  Congressman Lynch was notified that the funding would be included in the final House version of the bill, which was overwhelmingly approved by the House this week, and will now be sent to the Senate for its approval.


Congressman Lynch pledged to work with Senators Kennedy and Kerry to protect funding levels throughout the process. "We are extremely fortunate to have Senators Ted Kennedy and John Kerry going to bat for us in the Senate,” said Congressman Lynch. Suffolk University is well-served to have both of those gentlemen to champion this cause in the U.S. Senate.”
