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time to fade into sleepland. After a red eye to london, its midnight here...ouch
Flight time shutting down all tech
Always glad to help spread the word
Great wine choices for turkey day. Whose gewurz?
@om where are u on new years eve?
Cool app for Android
time to wander to the gate...night all
Dumping Skype for IM, Dumping The Landline too for it and SIP
@JimCanuck did the flushot by Helene...why a hospital visit? Not u?
Android users get Visual Voice Mail (beta)
See you Monday I am in London over the weekend if u are also
But are u on a mac or pc
@filos we love our roomba as it is cables friendly
Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a safe and sane weekend
@patphelan its going around. Had it earlier, wife gave me a flu shot just after last long trip.. My other Doc agreed it was good to take
@harrisja did you see the heavy paid product placement of Blackberry on Rosie, OOMA also was there but RIM was all over the show
I just joined the Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@kencamp Firefox at rest use 9 percent. Tweetdeck 12. Skype sometimes eats up 30-40 percent. What I find is the faster my mac the better
@PhoneBoy TweetDeck makes Twitter easy to use. I hated Twitter before I found TD
@ej boingo works fine at SFO. I was just there last week, no issues at gate 23


Chris Sacca Mary Hodder Ian Hay om Ken Jonathan Greene Kathy Johnson PhoneBoy Manuel Viloria Josh Bancroft palmsolo Jason Calacanis Aaron Huslage Joanne Wan CREATIVOICES PRODUCT Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Jonathan Askin Dan York Alan Weinkrantz Pat Stuart Dina Karen O'Brien Robert Scoble Phil Wolff ian c rogers giovanni loose|wire Sam Sethi Howard H. Thaw Jeremy Pepper Thomas Howe Martyn Rudy De Waele Jajah
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