seanbonner’s Favorites

eric L
finderic i think comfortable, safe, smart people believe in the singularity the way more needy people believe in religion.
THE_REAL_SHAQ Subway it is turkey n cheese um um um lol
Tara Brown
tara BTW, I'm having a vegan cupcake party for all of @seanbonner's little vegan straightedge friends in SF. (theres at least one or two, right?)
Clayton Cubitt
claytoncubitt I guarantee you right now the White House is shredding documents on a scale hitherto unimagined in human history.
Spencer Cross
spencercross Yet another reason that SF's superiority to LA is a myth: SF voter turnout? 50%. LA's voter turnout? >82%. Fuck you, you lazy hippies.
David LaVallee
Scopitone @Jewlie Quick warning; if you don't like the show then you're a fucking inept twat. No pressure. =)
Colleen Wainwright
communicatrix Walking my dog, who has Shepherd Fairey collar & onboard poop bags, and tweeting it from iPhone. I can never make fun of anyone else, ever.
Tara Brown
tara You know you love ur dood when you are willing to stay all hot and sweaty and totally hungry and have to pee post workout to Skype with him
FakeSarahPalin I picked a bad day to stop sniffing model airplane glue.
rstevens Every time Kucinich is the only decent person in U.S. government, have a drink.
Casey McKinnon
caseymckinnon Getting ready to go out with @rudy & @seanbonner. Apparently, choking and getting lucky will be involved... w00t!
Jay Hathaway
strutting Why so many undecided voters? Americans love taking an ill-informed stand based on first impressions! I mean, look at Yelp.
Tara Brown
tara Having our work docs online was cool right up until the $100 wireless router crapped on our Web 2.0 dream
dfltr @tarabrown it's pretty much the same here, except the cougars and bears drive buses and suvs
K is for Kieron
Tara Brown
tara @seanbonner is the rambler of my heart
fakemerlinmann Look at me. I'm Merlin Mann. Blah blah blah something retarded.
hotdogsladies "A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing; ALWAYS BE CLOSING!" ~ Mahatma Gandhi, 1930


Evan Williams danah boyd Jason Cosper Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Jay Goldman Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale David Crow the daniel Cameron Walters lane Glenda brady forrest Scott Hussein Rafer eric L Mark Frauenfelder Steve Woolf Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Colleen Wainwright Bre Pettis greg cohn Mickipedia Ben Cerveny Eddie Codel irina slutsky Mike Stickel ian c rogers Jason Carlin Schlomo Rabinowitz Kent andy sternberg Crystal Williams Clintus McGintus
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