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Getting drunk on Heineken with some good friends.
These family days really get in the way of work. Unfortunately for work I enjoy them a lot! Maybe I'll get some work done tomorrow.
Best technology doesn't win: "We are sad to announce that Pownce is shutting down on December 15, 2008."
Deleting a ton of duplicated html templates. DRY FTW!
Trying to wake up. Coffee is helping but I think I need a few days off. Hmm....schedule is full. More coffee it is!
@kevinhoctor CPA's are supposed to be your friend! I love going and shooting the shit. Bookkeeping, otoh, now THAT sucks! Outsource that!
@bwoodruff Ah, Amazon was showing me last year's model. Still, $1,999.00 for 2.4 GHz 2GB vs. 1898.98 on
@jordansatok Yeah, I guess Amazon is best. I like giving Apple all the money, but Amazon is $500 cheaper.
@bwoodruff Apple's discounts sucked today! I was fully prepared to buy a MBP for my wife; not sure what to do now.
@jxpx777 Now that you mention it, a cat just walked by me twice. Oh no! Could the financial collapse be affecting our beloved matrix?
Am I the only one who thinks Apple's Black Friday cuts are very shallow? I guess they are not seeing sales slumping.
Abby slept into! What a glorious start to the day! Now looking for Black Friday deals. I need another MBP for the family.
@justG I saw that too. WTF is it?
@jsnell OOhhhh! That looks awesome! It looks like you might have some extra for me?
Inbox Zero!!!! Whew! That was tough. Sadly, there are 2 more inboxes to look at now. Need less inboxes :)
@oleg_p Did you find a deal for your Daughter's MacBook? I need a MBP for Sara. I don't see any sales yet.
@schnitzelboy You're very welcome! We wanted to do something special the response has be fabulous!
@cmercier It was on .com. They refused to ship it to me here so I shipped it to a colleague in the US :)
Just purchased MS Office for Mac for $99. Amazon had a lightning deal. Neat idea.
@justG Our thoughts and prayers are with you Gita! I wish there was more we could do. Senseless violence.


Justin Williams Mr Messina Jonathan Wight Dave Verwer Christopher Clark David Chartier teh_real_chock Rogue Amoeba Emo Piñata Charles Klein Don McAllister Macworld Sun Wukong Brent Simmons Alcor Kevin Rose rentzsch Daniel Jalkut hotdogsladies Jason Snell Todd Ditchendorf MarsEdit C4 1Password Don MacAskill Founder Deric Horn Adam C. Engst Andy Ihnatko adin Jake Marsh Wil Shipley Gita Lal Karl Hagelin why the lucky stiff