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ok. it's official. the bacon meme has jumped the shark. put down the bacon and step away from the pan.
hanging for dinner w. @halley @bobfrankston @cherot and @dsearls... playing w. ocharina and we love it.
@JPWP so 18gbs isn't enuf to get a decent recommendation by the Genius itunes stuff? that's crazy. i'm uninstalling genius now.
@JPWP i have 18gbs music in itunes.. i get terrible recommendations on the sidebar. it's the genius feature. never seen other itune rec's
@zephoria glad you had fun on your bday. smooches to the birthday girl.
@loiclemeur this vid remix of you/seesmic: is very interesting. i love it. great work @tiil.
@johnbattelle that said.. i can't stand the itunes recommendations.. i think they are terrible
@johnbattelle this isn't an itunes recommendation, but i really like this Word Up vid:
@jdlasica yep.. we are in a lovely place.. 360deg with gorgeous trees, and there is high speed fiber. we can't even get that in SilconValley
Arr in Boston. Chilly. driving to the woods that have high speed fiber internet access.
up early. packing for boston. jamming on work stuff. lots to do.
actually totally fried post weekend / funeral / family stuff. thinking of going to bed kind of early.
looking @ScotDavies site.. really cool screensavers. he's giving us a demo. I'm finally back in the Bay Area after wkend.
funerals are a sad time. pretty much having a family style day.
"Couldn't you have downgraded to first class or something, or jet-pooled or something to get here?" Rep. Gary Ackerman to CEOs of auto cos
@brewer i know.. but at 103.4.. you are close to 104. i think you should call a doctor. or do an icebath.
@johnbattelle well.. what can i say. i almost got rid of my bmw, and didn't because i love it too much. i'm very selfish about it.
@brewer 103.4 temp. pls go to the hospital. this is dangerous.
@johnbattelle dude, you're exposing yr LA-ness.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd Eric Costello Xeni Jardin Ross om Joshua Kinberg tedr Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Michael Parekh Adam Hertz adam Shelly Farnham Scott Beale bryan mason Rob Hayes Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Emily Davidow
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