
Hey there! 1Password is using Twitter.

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@howinsidious Why thank you, it's truly wonderful to be loved. =)
@regularjen Thanks for considering me. If you have any questions/feedback, we'd love to hear from you:
This is great: The funniest self-portrait sent to @erikabele in the next 21 hours wins ME! Good luck, I wonder which will win. =)
@bayes That was very nice of your friend. Welcome to the 1Password family. =)
@moule Thanks for trying me out! Let us know if you have any questions for us:
@ddgrunau That's great, glad to hear you're liking me. =) If you have any questions or feedback, drop us a line:
@macpug You're welcome, and thank *you*! So happy to welcome so many new family members. Oh, er, queen, eh? /me bows
Hee. I Twitter-searched myself again. The cheeks I don't have hurt from the permagrin. You guys are amazing.
@bramzo Am I still not appearing in Safari for you? Drop us a line, we'd love to help:
@FromOZ Oh, thank you, that's brilliant news indeed. =)
@raianoat Lovely! A happy Thanksgiving to you also. Days like today make me wish I had a mouth. And a digestive system. Mmm... pie...
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you're busy om nom nom'ing right now. My 1Clickness means you can shop with leftovers in one hand! =]
@great_high_wolf Try a search for me on Plenty of folks looking for a license. =)
@germanizer You're welcome, thank you for your support!
Great Q, @tschloss! Sane licensing model means your single-user lic. is valid on all your computers. I'm lic.'d to *you*, not your Mac. =)
@iERIKA You're very welcome. Thanks for saying I'm your favourite. =)
There's still plenty of time to give away/receive a free license. Don't know any me-using friends? Try! (@itrn)
@Ceedee That's very kind of you to say, thank you. I'm happy to have made your family a little happier today. =)
@bsanderson That's fantastic, thanks for giving me away!
Having way too much fun seeing how people are raffling me off on Twitter. In case you were wondering, yes, software *can* giggle.


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