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on Casnocha's blog: Do u think people reveal their true selves in times of crisis? Or should we make allowances for shock/panicked fatalism?
Charles Katz asked me -- why does sushi (raw fish) come in so many colors where all raw meat pretty much looks the same?
@peterpham yes -- the pho in Vietnam is amazing. and the people are terrific.
... In many airports in asia, moving sidewalks and escalators start moving when you step on them. Brilliant.
There are very few beggars in saigon
Toyota dominates vietnam. Most taxis are toyotas. Rich people driven in land cruisers. GM definitely aint in Saigon
on korean train, the seats are heated. (important because it is cold outside)
all the toilets in Saigon are made by American Standard
... lots of middle seats free on international flight. not a good sign for the economy ...
... if you had to rank order the most important charities in the world, would the opera or the symphony fall in the top 100??
... the traditional Thanksgiving meal actually involves lobster.
... signs of a recession: it is much easier to get a restaurant reservation in NYC and SF
Hate nyc taxis when the touch screen doesn't work and you can't turn off the annoying tv
Have a meeting on the 14th fl, of course it is really the 13th fl ... Fear of the number 13 is so middle ages ...
have not met anyone that has sympathy for U.S. auto manufacturers
... Hardware prices are dropping massively. Bad for Dell/HP companies. Great for internet services and start-ups.
If your airline cancels your flight because of a strike, they should need to reimburse you double what you paid (and through in a foot rub)
... the avg american spends $250/month on cable+mobile. that's a lot! even the bottom poorest spend $150/month
wondering why it takes people SOOOOO long to leave an airplane. it must be that every plane has one super slow bad apple in each row
Should u be able to pay extra to make sure your doctor is on time for the appointment?


Philip Kaplan Josh Kopelman Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Ross Jordy Mont-Reynaud Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt Karl Jacob adam Vivek Sodera Oren Michels Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Christine Herron Elliott Ng Michael Sippey Jonathan Abrams Matt Cook Emily Chang john merrells Andre Lewis Bradley Horowitz aa mark pincus Phil Wolff noah kagan jeremy riney Anil Dash hunterwalk Ben Casnocha Craig Cmehil Gen Kanai Jeremy Zawodny Nivi
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